Leave Or Not

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Cole Thompson

"Hey Cindy, have you seen little JJ?" I ask walking into the house with my football helmet in my hand.

"She said she was staying back to be with Leo at the locker rooms, you didn't see her waiting for him?" She asks as I realized she was sitting in the living room with her phone in hand.

"She didn't answer my call so I just drove home after the game, I wonder if she needs a ride" I mumble before going upstairs after noticing my sisters boyfriend cooking in the kitchen.

Of course she would make him cook since she would only end up burning the place down.

"Hey, why haven't you been answering my calls?" I ask after noticing who was calling me after I closed my bed room door.

"Is Cindy at your house right now?" She quickly retorts back making me confused.

"Yeah why?"

"Is she on her phone?"

"Why are you asking so many questions about my sister?"

"Just answer the question Cole!"

"Yeah she's on her phone"

The other side of the phone went silent. I was trying to hear if she was there but all I heard was the sound of a shower in the background.

"Wh-" before I could question her any further, she cut me off.

"Come pick me up from the school parking lot" She says before hanging up.

What the hell was going on?

After throwing my duffel bag and helmet inside my closet, I grabbed another one of my jackets before heading back downstairs.

"Where you going?" Cindy calls out as I pass by her eating on the couch with her little boyfriend beside her.

"Out" I reply before walking out to my car and driving back to the school I was just coming home from earlier.


"Took you long enough" Jezzabelle shivers while getting into my car.

Noticing she was still in her cheerleading outfit, I threw her the extra jacket I grabbed from my jacket earlier before driving out after seeing her put it on.

"Are you gonna tell me now what's going on between you and Cindy?" I ask while side eyeing her as she frowns.

"Nothings going on" She replies coldly not giving me any other hints.

"If it's something you don't wanna talk about then it's okay, I just wanted to know if you guys were doing okay" I sigh while noticing the deep in thought look she usually had while we were together.

The only difference was that she looked like she had a look a disbelief and confusion mixed into it now.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You said to pick you up, so I thought-"

"Take me home"


Now I'm even more confused.

Usually she liked going over to my house ever since we started hooking up every day, and now she doesn't wanna go? What the hell happened between her and my sister?

"Did you want-" before I could talk to her, she walked out of my car and into her house with no words.

Letting out a tired sigh, I followed after her not willing to let her go home angry. Especially if she was angry about something involving my sister to the point that she didn't even wanna be around me.

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