Best Day Ever

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Jezzabelle Johnson

"Don't worry, I won't say a thing" Brandon says waving us off with a shrug.

"Out of all your cousins, he's always been the level headed one" I whisper to Cole as we both watch his unfazed cousin walk downstairs.

"I'll leave you here. We'll all be waiting for you right downstairs" Cole says placing me in front of the room I remember it being Jax's bedroom.

"Wait, what am I doing here?" I question not understanding what was happening.

"Just do whatever these people want you to do in there. Jack has a lot of connections, and if it's what I think, he probably has a lot of people he hired in there to get you ready before we take you out today" He replies with a wink as I nod before walking into the room with curiosity.

"Miss Johnson, we are ready for you" An older Middle aged woman announces as soon I closed the door.

After getting into the nice scented bath these people in the room made for me, I was shocked to see the women come in and do a facial while I was laying in the bubble bath. It was nice that there was a lot of bubbles to keep my body shielded but when they all started to massage and place scented moisturizers on my hands, feet, face and neck. I felt like falling back to sleep right here in the bath.

But seeing as the women were already leaving the bathroom after everything they did, I got out to put the white bathrobe they had placed beside the sink with some soft slippers on the floor.

Walking back out to Jax's bedroom, I was shocked to see them gesturing me to sit down on the bed with some spa equipments in their hands.

I've never been to a spa personally, I've walked into a spa building before when I was friends with Cindy in the beginning of our freshman year and she wanted to get a massage and I waited for her. But other than that horrid memory, I haven't had a spa day for myself at all.

"What colors would you like?" One of the women holding my hands says.

I realized there were 4 women holding onto each of my hands and feet. I didn't know what they were talking about until I spotted the nail tools they had set up around me on the bed.

"I'll go with that one" I point to one of the black and gold coffin nail shape designs.

The women holding my feet decided to just go with a black polish with gold glitter designs.

I've never gotten my toe nails done before but other than the slight tickling feeling, it felt nice to get my nails and toe nails done for the first time.

Guessing I didn't know how tired I really was, I ended up knocking out while they were fixing all my nails. I didn't expect getting my nails done to be so long.

"Jezzabelle" Coles voice woke up with a jump, the sight of all five guys standing around the bed making my eyes widen in a flash.

"Not to ruin your beauty sleep or anything but your hairstylist and make up artist has been waiting outside of the room for the past half hour after the other workers left" Jack says leaning down to tilt my chin up as I realized he was wiping a drool spot on my chin.

"Judging by this, I'm guessing you're hungry. Maybe if you let your stylists and make up artist in here, we'd be on our way to go eat like I planned" Jack teases with a wink as I notice the look of annoyance on Cole's face.

"Okay, now she awake. Let's go so we can get this show on the road!" Cole shouts as the people outside of the room began to fill into the room.

"See you later little JJ!" Jack and the rest of his cousins shout before walking out as Cole stays back.

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