Full Plan

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Cole Thompson

"Cole please!"

"Get the fuck off me! You really think I'm gonna take your side over hers? You weren't the one that had her heart broken in front of the whole town by your best friend of 13 years and boyfriend of 4 years. Honestly, I'm glad Ryan decided to show your true colors that night. Now I can see how much of a cunt you've grown into and little JJ could finally move on with her life without worrying about getting married to Leo's dumb ass and having you as his mistress because let's face it, the only reason why he was sleeping around with you is because you're nothing but an easy lay. Jezzabelle on the other hand is the whole package. She's not only a great woman to be with but she would make any man the luckiest fucker on the earth with how amazing of a person she is. It's no wonder Leo insisted on placing her on a pedestal to the world in front of everyone while keeping you as the booty call girl that he would never wanna be seen with in public"

"Don't say mean things to me! I'm your sister! You're supposed to be on my side!"

"Don't you fucking get it?! No one in their right mind would take the home wrecker's side. If this whole thing was a tv show, you would be Cassie from Euphoria and Jezzabelle would be Maddy. Nobody took Cassie's side throughout the whole 2nd season of Euphoria because she knew what she was doing and yet still decided to go behind her best friend's back and slept with her boyfriend!"

"This isn't my fault! He manipulated me int-"

"Cut the bullshit Cindy! No matter what fucking excuse you try to put up, it's still your fault. Nobody put a fucking gun to your head and forced you to suck Leo's baby dick"

"Cole please! Just tell her I'm sorry and-"

"No! The answer is and always will be no. As much as I love you as my sister, this shit is something even I can't help you with. You dug your own grave and now you have to lie in it"

I slammed the front door of my house hearing Cindy call out for me while sobbing loudly inside the living room.

"If I were you, I would've beat the shit outta her. Female or not, that shit was mad disrespectful" Jax says before taking a long drag from the cigarette in his hand.

"As much as I love my cousin, I'm gonna have to take little JJ's side on this one. That was such a Cassie move to make. And I definitely would always choose Maddy over Cassie" Jack adds on with a smirk as his twin brother rolls his eyes.

"Are we all going to meet up with Jezzabelle right now?" Julian asks as Jax nods before we all get into his car that was parked in front of my house.

After everything went down at town hall last night, we all decided to make it our mission to do the best we all could to be there for Jezzabelle. We all knew she was a strong independent person when it came to dealing with her own problems, but we wanted to be there for her the same way we've always been there for her since we were kids.

We may be blood related to Cindy but Jezzabelle was like a non blood related family member to me and all my cousins. Although my cousins weren't at the town hall last night due to their families not being close to the mayor like how my father was, they still heard and saw everything people at the town hall were talking and posting about everywhere on social media apps.

Just like my parents and the rest of the town that knew about Jezzabelle and Leo's public relationship, my cousins instantly took her side over Cindy.

My parents surprisingly took her side as well. I was shocked when we came home last night and they both cussed out Cindy's crying self. She was trying so hard to make herself look like the victim in all of this but my parents always thought highly of Jezzabelle as the child they basically grew up watching as their own.

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