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Louis's POV:

I sprint down the street, coffee in hand as rain begins to drizzle down on my head.

Of course the one day I convince the boys to let me walk to school is the day there is a thirty-minute line in the cafe and the day it has to rain.

I should have taken the umbrella they tried to give me.

I'm still twenty minutes out from school and the bell is supposed to ring in ten, I pick up my speed as I look down at my watch. My brothers will kill me if they find out I was late to class after I promised them that I wouldn't be.

Liam my oldest brother is twenty- six and Edward my other brother is twenty-four. They are possibly the most protective beings in the entire world, they have been since we met in foster care nearly 14 years ago.

My parents gave me up for adoption when I was born but apparently, when I never was adopted I was bounced into foster care and happened to end up in the same home as the boys.

They are biological siblings and had been in foster care since they were young as well. Our foster 'parents' in the home weren't much of parents, especially to me. So once both of the boys were over eighteen they moved out of the home and filed to be my legal guardians,

Once the file went through the boys got a small apartment and we lived there together for the next year and a half.

Eventually, the boys both got jobs, Liam as a doctor and Edward as a lawyer, and they started making pretty decent money and moved us into the house we live in now which I think is much too large for us but is still full of love none the less.

They worked hard to send me into private preparatory schools and I will forever be grateful for all they have done for me, and all they have given up.

We are all each other have and I think that is one of the reasons they are so protective over me. They are practically my parents but we are still able to have the bond of brothers and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The rain picks up as I try my best to get to school on time, my clothes now drenched and my shoes soaked from stepping in so many puddles.

I try to use my spare hand that isn't holding my coffee to block the rain from getting in my eyes but really all it does is cut off half of my vision and within about thirty seconds of running like this I find myself tripping on the curb and falling directly onto someone, spilling my coffee all over their perfectly white button shirt and dark suit jacket.

I fall directly onto the ground, practically bouncing off of the person.

"What the fuck-." The deep voice starts to say angrily but cuts himself off once I look up at him.

He is absurdly tall, easily a foot taller than me, and has long chocolate brown curls, and piercingly green eyes. His face is sharp but insanely gorgeous. And I immediately feel guilty when I see the giant brown stain on his perfect dry suit that has been protected by his umbrella.

"I-I'm so s-sorry sir. I really didn't m-mean to I promise, I will p-pay to get your suit dry cleaned." I rush out shaking my head quickly with guilt.

His eyes trail over me very slowly and he pauses at my face, his look seems to soften entirely. The look of pure rage faded away.

"No no, that won't be necessary, sorry I was rude, wasn't I? Are you alright though?" He asks and, the realization of the fact that I am just sitting in the middle of the busy sidewalk comes back into my mind.

I begin to brush off my legs and go to get up but the man reaches out to help me up before I can, I take his hand and thank him as he pulls me under his large umbrella, shielding me from the storm.

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