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Louis's POV:

"Please, I'll do whatever you want. Just don't please." I yell, scouting away from the man as I cry my eyes out.

He was gone for what felt like centuries but when he came back, he told me it was time for 'fun' and that scared me beyond compare.

I am still yet to understand in the slightest bit what is happening, who this is, or why I am here.

I miss the boys and I miss Harry.

"Come on, make it easier for yourself, and don't struggle. It will hurt more this way." The nameless man grumbles moving closer to me.

It's hard to move away from him when I am tied up by both my hands and legs, especially when he is able to just walk closer.

I scream and beg him to get away from me.

"P-please. D-don't touch me," I say, getting hysterical.

I can barely even see out of my eyes from all the tears and the amount of ear surging through me is leaving my entire body shaking.

When he grabs at the waist of my pants, that's when I lose it and thrash around in his grip, in the process kicking him with both of my legs.

With that he lets me go and kicks me back.

"Fuck, you little shit. Jesus Christ. You asked for it." He says, grabbing his leg in pain.

I didn't want to hurt him but I needed to get him away from me.

I am able to breathe but only for a moment because before I can even comprehend what is happening he is sending countless kicks to my body, hitting every spot possible.

"Fucking faggot. You don't get to tell me no." He yells in my face, kicking my ribs over and over before moving to other parts of my body.

At some point, the pain takes over and I submit to the darkness, part of me hoping I never come out of it.

I groan loudly as I am pulled back into the basement and out of my safe darkness.

"Good morning twink." The scary voice says, causing me to flinch awake.

The lights are now on in the basement, dimmed but on.

The man is now sitting in a plastic-looking folding chair, he's just staring down at me.

I don't even respond to him, I look away, avoiding eye contact. But as I look down, I find that my chest is bare, and my pants are ripped to shreds. I can't breathe as the possibilities of what could have been done to me come to mind.

"W-what did you do to me?" I ask, my voice sounding horrified.

"I didn't fuck you if that's what you're asking." He says but that doesn't relax me much.

My eyes water again. I want to go home.

"I thought you were dead, out for nearly the entire day. If it weren't for your pulse I would have called it quits." He laughs but I don't.

I shutter away,

"Why am I here?" I eventually ask, my voice trembling and quiet.

He laughs creepily again, I cry harder.

"What did I do to you?" I continue, slight more confidence in my voice now.

"Your little bitch of a boyfriend is why you're here. Also why you're not leaving." He says and with that, I turn back to him.

Boyfriend? Harry is why I'm here? Not leaving?

My breathing picks up at his haunting words. And I put my head on my knees, panic surrounding my mind.

"Calm the fuck down. We can still have fun together. The second you stop resisting is the second you'll get the pleasure." He says pushing my body to the side a bit.

"Don't touch me." I cry, honestly terrified by just the sound of his voice.

Never leave? Never see Harry again? Never see the boys again?

"Your cunt of a boyfriend was stupid enough to let the public get a hold of the fact that you two were together. He was always dumb but I didn't think he was that much of an idiot. Glad he was though, I liked him suffering about you being gone. Now I get that pretty little body for the rest of your life." He says.

I can't even absorb a word that comes out of his mouth. I don't understand. I don't understand what he is talking about, I don't understand what it has to do with Harry, I don't understand how he knows Harry, or who exactly the public is.

My breathing shallows out even more and I barely even feel any air getting into my body.

Not to mention the fact I am in excruciating pain. It feels like nothing has healed since he kicked the world out of me. I feel like I am on the edge of life and death. Both mentally and physically.

"I was his dad's right-hand man, the entire time he ran the Mafia. I should have taken it over, he should have given it to me. Not some fucking kid." He says and at that point, it starts to make sense.

I try to calm myself a bit, at least enough to hear his story.

Harry had told me about how he first inherited the company when he was freshly 18. Is that why this man is mad at Harry? Because Harry's dad hired his son instead of him? That's why I'm here? I've been trapped in a basement, nearly raped, and beaten senseless, over a job?

"Then he has the audacity to fire me? Fire me? I was the reason his father had any power in the first place, without me, he would have been nothing. And do you know how hard it was to be anything to anyone in the industry after I was fired by Harry?" He says, getting furious as he speaks.

I don't respond, just listen to his words in fear. Trying to calm my breathing, knowing that I am bound to pass out if I don't. If I pass out god knows what he will do to me.

"Fucking impossible is how hard. He ruined my life. So since you are so important to the cunt then he can see what it's like to have his life ripped away from him." He finishes.

With that he gets up from his chair, pushing it to the ground as he does before storming out of the basement, stomping up the stairs, shutting the lights off, and slamming the as he goes, leaving me in the darkness once again.

It's not long before I am praying for my Harry back, missing him more than life itself.

Hope y'all liked it!!
Thank you for reading!

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