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Louis's POV:

"I can't believe you just did that Edward. I barley know the man." I say the second we get into the car.

"You looked pretty close to me." He smirks as he pulls out of the parking lot.

I just look at him, not changing my pouty expression.

"Okay okay, don't look at me like that. Those eyes kill me. Fine if you don't want us to have him over yet then I'll just tell him something came up. I got his number when he was getting the address." Edward says, ruffling my hair.

"I can't uninvited him. Then he will think something is wrong." I frown, leaning my head back onto the seat.

Edward just laughs at me.

"Stop worrying so much Lou. He seems like a nice guy and you have had all of your friends meet us. Is there something different that I should know about Harry?" Ed asks, raising his eye brows at me knowingly.

I have never ever ever even thought of bringing a guy home to the boys, I mean I have never had someone to bring to them, well I don't now either so I don't even know what I am talking about.

"No Eddie. I just- I don't know." I say sighing, not understanding any of this honestly.

He looks at me sympathetically and gives a small soft smile.

"I get it bud, sometimes we just feel this way about people and we can't help it. Just trust your gut just be careful. But how does he make you feel?" Edward asks gently.

I sigh, honestly not knowing how I feel.

I mean Harry's sweet with me, and was nice to Edward and the way he is making me feel is overwhelming. Especially because I know there is zero chance of him feeling anything about me, to him I am legitimately a kid. He has no reason to like me.

I have barely known Harry for a day but literally just the sound of his voice makes me feel all, I don't know, nervous?

"I don't know, how am I supposed to feel?" I ask, honestly looking for guidance.

"Lou there is no way you are supposed to feel. However you feel is perfectly normal, not that we want you dating anyone. No one will ever be good enough for you." Edward says smiling down at me as we pull up to a red light.

I laugh and hit his arm at his last words, even though I know he actually believes that.

The next day goes by quickly and it's not long before the boys are whipping up something in the kitchen for dinner tonight.

I dressed myself in my favorite black trousers and a light green jumper before running my hand through my hair a few times to make sure I look at least a bit presentable.

The doorbell rings through the downstairs and I can hear the sound of Ed and Liam grabbing the door downstairs.

I shiver when the familiar deep voice rings through my ears.

"It's nice to meet you too." Harry's says, I'm sure he is talking to Liam.

Jesus Liam better not be attacking him down there.

I can't hear much more of their conversation as I can tell they move away from the front door and to a different part of the house.

"Louis babe, Harry's here." Liam's voice calls out from downstairs.

"Coming," I call back.

Soft Spotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें