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Harry's POV:

By the time I get to Louis's place, it is slightly later than I had planned because I got caught up on a job but I already texted the boy an apology and told him I was on my way, though I got no response.

I knock on the door a few times but like my text, get no response.

I ring the doorbell on top of another knock but confusion sets in when I don't even hear a stir on the other side of the door.

I turn my body around in my tracks when the sound of a car pulling into the driveway grabs my attention.

It's Edward, he waves at me through the window.

"Hey H, why are you just standing outside?" He laughs as he gets out of the now parked car.

"I thought no one was home, I knocked a few times and no one answered," I tell him.

His face furrows a bit.

"No, Louis's home. He should have answered the door, maybe he's asleep or something." Edward says as he gets his keys out to open the door.

I cringe at the information that Louis was home alone, I don't like that. They should have called me.

Edward opens the door and invites me in.

"Louis? I'm home." Edward calls out when he steps in.

Still, not a sound is heard.

"I'll go check his room, you wanna look around down here? He likes to nap in my room when he gets lonely, so check in there too maybe." Ed asks me.

"Yeah sure, no problem." I nod as he walks toward the stairs.

I search through the bottom floor of the house, looking for my little blue eyes but there isn't a sign of him.

"Uhh, Harry?" Edward calls.

"Yeah," I respond, yelling just loud enough for the man to hear me.

"Is he down there?" He yells.

That makes my heart stop.

"No, he's not up there?" I ask, now getting more than worried.

I walk over to the stairs that Edward is now running down.

"No." He says starting to panic as well.

"He knows he can't leave the house without telling Liam and me, especially if he's all alone. He wouldn't leave without telling us." Edward continues, pulling out his phone.

He is quick to dial Louis's number and put the phone up to his ear. But both of us look at each other in worry when Louis's phone starts ringing, sat on the ground in the middle of the living room.

"Shit," I mutter.

"He never leaves his phone anywhere. I'm calling Liam." Edward says, now dialing another number.

My mind starts to go wild at the fact that we don't know where Louis is right now.

Louis wouldn't go against his brother's rules, he cares about not wanting to upset them to do that.

I pull out my own for and text my team, telling them that I need all of them to get out onto the streets and search for Louis.

I know there is a high chance that the boy just walked to the gas station to pick up candy or something and forgot his phone but something feels off and I refuse to not know if he's okay.

The boys text me back almost instantly, all saying that they were on it and asking what had happened to the boy.

They only met him once but they all have already grown quite fond of him. Even after I told them to back off, they assured me that their feelings weren't like that.

"Liam doesn't know where he is either. He's on his way home. Jesus Christ, I shouldn't have left him alone." Edward says, his voice starting to sound guilty.

"I have my team out looking for him," I tell him, trying to stay calm.

But with the idea of something happening to Louis on my mind, it's nearly impossible not to send myself into a fit of rage.

"Your team? What does that even-?" Edward starts but the sound of my phone buzzing cuts us off.

I answer it immediately, thinking it somehow could be Louis on someone else's phone.

"Louis?" I ask immediately before the phone is even fully to my ear.

"Technically no, but you are welcome to talk to him if you would like." An annoyingly familiar voice says.

Oh fuck.

I have had a few fucked interactions with this dickhead. Owen. He was part of my father's team years ago but when I took over the mafia he refused to submit to my authority and told me I was just a kid. So he was out, no longer having any connection with any part of my mafia anymore.

However, it wasn't long before he was trying to get back at me, failing every single time with his shit attempts to make me suffer. He didn't occupy a single thought in my mind, I really didn't care about his doings, because he was nothing but a spineless weak coward and I had more important things to be doing but if he is serious, and actually has Louis, then I'm coming for his head.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I seethe out, my voice making Edward even cower back a bit.

"Kid's pretty, I see why you like him. Shame that little body is going to be ruined the next time you see him." Owen laughs out a bit and that makes me more than livid.

"Touch him and I will kill you and everything you fucking love with zero hesitation," I say, my voice dead serious because I am.

I can tell that sets him back for a moment but he gains his confidence back after a pause in sound on his end.

"Little shits pretty dumb, opened the door to one of my men thinking it was you." He laughs and I hear a small heartbreaking whimper sound in the background.

That's my Louis, he's hurting my Louis.

"What do you want? He isn't part of this life," I say, knowing that I shouldn't lose it on him because he's got power over Louis right now and I don't.

"If he's a part of your life then he's a part of this life. You fucked my life, so I'll fuck yours." He laughs and that turns my vision red.

Edward is looking at me worried, not able to hear what is happening on the other side of the phone but clearly noticing it's about his little brother.

"You aren't going to do anything to him, ever. What do you want?" I ask.

"I want your title, give me that and I'll give you the twink." He states.

I have to hold myself back from screaming at the man for talking about Louis in the manner he is. But I can't lose my cool, he can hurt Louis.

"You can have whatever you want but no one is going to even come close to respecting you so I would recommend you ask for something else. Everyone in the business knows that even if I were to give up my title I would still be more powerful than you could even dream of being." I say into the phone.

I can tell that made him mad, a loud exhale of breath over his side of the phone.

"Then I want money." He says, clearly frustrated and sounding off guard.

Money is something I have plenty of. And I would give him every penny in the world if it ensured Louis's safety.

"That's fine, just tell me where you are and I will give you however much you want," I say, letting all my toughness fade away as I hear Louis whining in pain behind the phone.

"Ehhh I want my time with the boy first but you'll figure it out eventually." He says through the phone and before I can object he hangs up the phone.

I take the phone and chuck it onto the ground in rage, smashing it on the spot.

I knew shit like this would happen but I pursued him anyway and now the guilt is more than eating me alive.

"Where's Louis? Who was that?" Edward questions, deep worry in his voice.

How am I supposed to tell him that my job has gotten their little brother kidnapped?

Hope you guys liked it!

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