Chapter 3: "If I Say No, Will You Leave Me Alone?"

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It was Monday, and I was heading out of the door, ready for my first class. I had basically spent the weekend binge-watching The Bachelorette. Not that I would ever admit that to anyone, but some of the guys are drool-worthy, and I'd had no action in some time, so this would have to do for now.

The campus was lively, people going in all directions, and already there was the buzz in the air, the anticipation of all that was to come. I breathed it in, smiling.

I would find my people. I just knew it.

"Hey, roomie," Davis said, loping an arm around my shoulder.

I jumped because I hadn't seen him coming. "Uh, hi."

He smiled brilliantly at me. "First class?"

Fuck, he was really determined, then. I slumped a little and gave him an annoyed look. "Yeah. You too?"

"Mhmm, let me walk you."

"If I say no, will you leave me alone?"


"Yeah, figured." Because God hates me.

I shrugged him off and stomped in a vague direction. He followed.

"You know where you're going, right?" he asked easily, like he had no cares in the world. He walked with his hands in his pockets. He wore jeans and a simple tee that hugged his body and accentuated every muscle, every plane, every curve.

I should stop staring.

Fuck, was I cursed to repeat history over and over? Because that would majorly suck.

"What's your major, anyway?" he asked.


"Cool! Where's your first class?"

"Darwin," I muttered.

He chuckled and stopped my progress, then rotated me easily to the right, like I was some kind of wind-up toy. "You should try that way."

I looked at him dubiously.

"What? I know where everything is."

"That's weird."

He shrugged. "I enjoy knowing where I'm going."

"Except that one time you got into the wrong room, you mean."

He smirked. "Exactly."

Trying to ignore him - yet again - I rushed in the direction that he indicated, cursing myself for trusting him. He had made me all flustered and disoriented, and I was trying really hard not to let it show. He would not get the best of me, damn it.

There, I saw it, Darwin Building.

"Aren't you gonna ask me what my major is?"

"Nope," I said.

"That's all right. I know you're excited about your first class. See ya later."

"Mhmm," I mumbled without saying goodbye or anything like that. If he wanted to follow me around like a puppy, well, he was already doing it. I briefly wondered if I'd done something awful in a previous life, like killed a bunch of people, to deserve this. Or maybe it was a duckling sort of thing. The guy imprinted on me when he broke his lamp. He looked up and there I was.

Did people imprint on people?

By the time I sat down in the lecture hall, I was still a bit flustered, but mostly excited. I found some empty seats at the back, so I sat down, and before long, another guy sat down next to me. Well, he left a seat between us, like a normal person would.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Hey, I'm Connor."

"Jamie." I tried to smile back awkwardly.

He relaxed and looked ahead at the podium. When he said nothing else, I relaxed too. I really hated it when people started talking to me or asking questions. Like a certain someone.

The professor seemed smart, but also a bit quirky, with these huge glasses, yellow bow-tie, and disheveled hair. He talked loudly, gesticulated wildly, and his enthusiasm was catching. It was The History of Photography. Dry, but he made it interesting and dare I say, fun.

So my first lecture was outstanding.

I was psyched.

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Author's Note:

Thanks to anyone who reads, votes, and comments throughout the story - I love to read your reactions and talk to you! :)

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