Chapter 9: "We're Just Friends"

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It was no big deal, just movies with a friend. That's the least sexy thing in the world... right? Fifteen minutes to eight, however, I broke down and called Jem. "What would you wear to a night of watching movies with a friend? I mean, like, what's the protocol?"


"Jem? Are you there?"

"Sorry, I just wanted to give you a minute to hear yourself."

"Fuck off," I groused.

She cackled, the evil witch. "Who are you watching movies with?"

What's with everyone asking questions? "A friend."

"Oooh cool, which friend? Connor?"

"That doesn't matter. My question was about the dress code, which doesn't have anything to do with who the friend is."

"Oh my lovely innocent Jamie, of course it matters."

I rolled my eyes. "Davis, okay?"

"Yep, I knew it. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking about clothes."

"You sound demonic over the phone, you know that?"


"What was that hmm? What's with the hmming?"

"Oh nothing just... it'd be interesting to be a fly on the wall."

"Stop it."

She barked a laugh that nearly busted my ear drum. "How about I hide in the closet and record the whole thing? I bet it's going to make me a mint on Youporn."

My face heated up. Damn it. "We're just friends."

"I wish I had a friend like that."

"You're evil."

"That has already been established. Now, what do you have in terms of clothes? And don't bother with anything baggy."

"I'm at home, not going to the club."

"It doesn't matter. Put on that stretchy thing I saw you with once."

"That's my running shorts, and no."

"Come on, you're so hot in them! And a tee that stops at your belly button."

"You're not taking this seriously."

"Look, I know I've been negative about this in the past, but maybe... shit, I think you'd be cute together. Even though Davis is basically an idiot genius child who doesn't know what his own dick wants, it could work out if he stopped being stupid and opened his eyes."

I really didn't need to hear that. "Idiot genius child? Sounds like a Disney character."

"Just wear something cute and stretchy."

"Thanks for nothing," I teased and hung up.

She texted me I want updates! ten seconds later.

With everyone in my life prying, I felt like an animal on display at the zoo. Couldn't they mind their own lives? And why did I even care about clothes, it wasn't like we were or would ever in this lifetime go out or date or do anything remotely--

Knock knock knock.


I quickly put on a baggy t-shirt because I'd be damned if I tried to be sexy for a straight guy. The shirt said Over the rainbow, is where all the action happens. Then I opened the door and stared at Davis, who wore simple jeans and a form-fitting black shirt that made me salivate.

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