Chapter 12: "Are Those Tighty Whiteys?"

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The next day I was a ball of nerves, but I tried to hide it. It was the weekend, so I started by getting my laundry basket down to the laundromat and sorting everything out according to color and material.

"Are you seriously using three machines right now?"

I jumped, then turned. Davis was leaning against the doorjamb, smirking at me. Great, now he'd see my dirty laundry, literally.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm just very good at sniffing you out."

"And that's different how?"

Smiling, he pushed himself off the wall. He came to me and started going through my last load. Frantically, I tore my undies out of his hands and pushed the basket behind my back.

"That's adorable, are those tighty whiteys?"

I wanted to die. "Nope."

"I could have sworn–"

"Hey, I have a better idea. Why don't you go get your own laundry and let's have a show and tell, shall we?"


"No!" I yelled, making some girl in the room jump. Even though she was listening to music, she still heard me yelling. Shit.

Davis laughed. "Relax, sweetheart, I think you're cute."

"Don't call me that," I muttered.

"You know, I was worried you wouldn't be as prickly once I showed you my cards, but damn, you're pricklier than ever."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever that means."

He leaned over one of the washers, making me look at his forearm, and god, the strength in that, the vein that went through it, the tanned skin and downy hair, I could just lick him.

Shaking my head, I looked away.

"You think I'm cute, too, huh? Just a little bit?"

"You're as cute as a bloody period."

"Ouch," he said, laughing. "You're good for my ego, I think. I wouldn't want everyone to worship me. I'd get a really big head. Then again, I already do have a big head, and I'm not talking about the one on my shoulders if you catch my drift."

I took a deep breath, peeking at him. "Are you trying to flirt?"

He smirked. "Is it working?"

I focused on my laundry again, trying to arrange my thoughts in a coherent manner. Then I voiced the question I'd had on my mind since we kissed last night. "And what if Emma walked in? Or Simon?"

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you're a straight guy who's what, curious? But you wouldn't want your friends to know something like that, so you'd only do it in dark corners, and even though I'm tempted... believe me, I am... I just don't want to do dark corners anymore, okay?"

There, I said it.

Focusing yet again on my laundry, I hoped that Davis would walk away and listen to what I said. There was no way he could give me what I wanted and no way I could give him what he wanted, so there was no point in trying.


"So that's it? You've already decided?" There was chill in his voice.

"It's not like that. You have a say, too."

"Do I, Jamie, because it feels like you're trying your darnedest to push me away. Are you really that afraid?"

"I am not fucking afraid of you!" I hollered.

"Then prove it," he growled, inches from my face.

This time, we both kind of attacked the other. He pushed me against the washer, and picked me up, while I kissed him so hard, my teeth hurt. I think I might have bitten him, but he gave as good as he got. We made out like mad in the laundry room, and I didn't even care about the girl who was now getting a free show. Shit, I hoped she wasn't filming this.

I opened my eye, and yep, she'd left.

Vaguely, I wondered how Davis was even willing to do this out in the open.

In any case, we were alone, so I went back to kissing him, touching his chest, his pecs, his back, pulling him by his ass, and feeling our dicks harden between us. He went from kissing my lips to kissing my neck, sucking on it, and grazing it with his teeth maddeningly. His strong hands squeezed my ass, sending me to gay heaven.

One of my hands slipped down and cupped his erection.

"Fuck," he cursed, stepping back.

I stared at his wild eyes and huge bulge in his pants. "Too much?"

"No, uh... we can't do this here."

I blinked and realized we were still in the laundry room. "Yeah, let's... let's go to my room."

He nodded and followed me.

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