Chapter 23: "Sorry, I Didn't Mean to Glow"

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Disclaimer: There's a bit of steam here, too. I hope you're not getting tired of it! Davis and Jamie just love the tumble. :D

The following days were busy, but even though Davis and I couldn't spend a lot of time together, he came over to my room every night and fucked the daylights out of me. I swear, every next time was sexier and wilder than the last, and I was starting to suspect we were becoming sex addicts.

It was so bad that Davis just had to enter the room and clothes would disappear automatically without a word, bodies would crash together, Davis would find new ways to take my ass and I would find new sounds to add to my growing and embarrassing repertoire. He even got me a couple of butt plugs to – and I quote – 'be ready for him whenever'.

I flushed horribly at that, which he liked.

The thing I loved the most about Davis was that he would basically manhandle me like a rag doll and then whisper sweet dirty things in my ear, like secrets we shared with each other and no one else. Our sessions were so intimate and dirty that sometimes I would go all red just thinking about it when I was in class or just talking to a friend.

"You're disgusting, you know that?" Jem said.

I blinked, focusing on her face. We were at the student café, fueling up on caffeine because we'd both stayed up late. "What?"

"You have this ridiculous..." she waved her hand around my face " glow, and it's selfish, Jamie. Not all of us are that lucky."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Sorry. I didn't mean to glow. Next time I'll wear a tin hat, so I'm not so radioactive to bystanders."

She rolled her eyes. "I'd appreciate it."

"So... how's... things?" I said awkwardly. Jemma had been weird for the past few days, ever since that night at Heat, the infamous one, and she hadn't mentioned Emma even once, which was weird, so I wasn't sure if I could mention her.

"Things are fine, nosy bum. Finish your latte."

I sighed. "Come on, tell me."

She fixed me with a death stare that wasn't as scary anymore.

"Please?" I gave her puppy dog eyes. "I tell you everything about Davis, well except for the sexy times but – "

"And trust me, I'm happy about that. I don't want to know about your boyfriend's monster cock or where you guys jizz or who's on top."

"Not even a little bit?"

She bit her lip, trying not to laugh. "No."

"Okay, but come on, it's been a week since your last update. If you expect this friendship to continue, I'll need a top up."

She rolled her eyes. "Darn your cuteness. I wish you were less cute so I could tell you to go to fucking hell and stay there."

I fluttered my eyelashes.

"Fine..." She shook her head, laughing. "...things are not so great, ya know? That night at Heat... well, when the fight broke off, I took Emma aside, mostly for her safety, but also because I wanted to see her reaction."


"She blinked at me several times and that was it."

I stared at her. "What?"

She shrugged. "That's all. She just blinked at me. No visible reaction. I didn't dare push it, so we just stood there, like idiots."

"You mean you were the idiot because you chickened out."

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