Chapter 22: "I Think You Just Killed Me"

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Disclaimer: There's gonna be some steamy scenes here, just so you know. Get your smutty glasses ready or cover your eyes. :D

"Ow," he said, leaning his head away.

"Stop being a baby, I'm just cleaning it," I told Davis, who was a bigger child than even I had been when I hit my head.

He kept squeezing my ass like he was playing with play dough or something, and when I didn't give into his ministrations, he flicked my nipple. I was trying to focus and get him cleaned up, for fuck's sake. I was failing.

I slapped his hand away. "Stop that, you heathen."

"You promised me a reward, sweetheart," he husked as he kissed and sucked on my neck, making me moan a little. Shit. He slowly slid his hand from my ass to the front of my pants and undid a button.


"Shh, I'm trying to concentrate."

I laughed bitterly. "No, I am trying to concentrate, you're distracting me."

"It doesn't hurt, sweetheart," he said. "It will hurt, however, if I don't release the monster tension I have inside those tight pants."

I hummed as I palmed his erection. "You mean these pants?"

He grunted. "Don't play with fire, Jamie."

"I think it's a bit late for that..." I trailed off and finally gave up on cleaning up his face. There were no serious injuries and my mind was going completely blank, giving up all the control to my body. Davis had pulled me over his lap and I was rutting against him, and as our dicks kissed through the fabric, I felt my heart beat accelerate and my breath hitch.

He kissed me deeply and sensually, but I started groaning and writhing against him, and my sounds and movements spurred him on, thank god, because I couldn't take this anymore.

I was going to devour Davis. I was so done with slow at this point, it wasn't even funny. I was done waiting.

He squeezed my ass roughly and picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He carried me to my room, my bed, and put me down carefully, which I hated. I wanted him to manhandle me so I groaned, "Davis, I want you to fuck me. Please? Fuck the hell outta me."

He grunted as he undressed me and kissed down my body. I did my best to undress him too and pulled him down on me. His chest slid against mine and then he pressed me against the mattress with his body, making me so turned on, I couldn't see straight. He was so fucking heavy and his dick was so hard... fuck, I didn't even realize he'd chucked his pants and boxers, along with mine, and now we were naked on my bed, making out like drowning men. He kissed down my chest, my nipple, my ribs, my belly button, then he licked my shaft, making me cry out.

"You're... god," I moaned. "Fuck me... please."

He rumbled like a caged beast and pulled me down the mattress, like I was a freaking feather under him. His blunt nails dug into my hips as he pressed his dick against mine and he only disengaged for a moment to take something from my nightstand and look down at me.

His pupils were blown, his face was red, and he looked like he was about to fuck me in the next century.

"Yes," I said. "Do it."

"My dirty baby," he said, voice like gravel. I heard some kind of wet sound and felt a tip of a finger teasing my pucker. He was pressing me into the mattress and whispering in my ear. He barely sounded human, which made me feel like I was about to be ravaged by a wild animal. "You want me to take that virgin ass, don't you?" Heavy breathing. More teasing around my hole, then a finger pressing insistently against it. "Relax for me, baby, I know it feels weird but I got you. You're gonna breathe deep and relax your sexy body, so I can take your virgin hole, won't you?"

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