~Tony Goes To School~📚

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Peter already knew something was up when he got to school and everyone around him was muttering things and scrolling through their phones. More than usual.

But then he saw the school news report with the two students on the hallway t.v.

"Famous Hero and billionaire Tony Stark is coming to this school, today! The news states that he is looking into the problems and education at the school in order to help the school get what it needs. So nice, isn't he?" The blonde girl spoke with a smile on her face, that for once didn't look forced.

'No, they're kidding right!' Peter thought. He could practically feel the embarrassment that was creeping up his neck.

"Mr. Stark is coming here!" Ned gasped from beside Peter, shaking his shoulder as he spoke. Peter groaned, sliding Ned's hand off his shoulder and slid back against his locker.

He wondered if Mr. Stark was really coming to the school because of what they said he was. He wouldn't come all this way for Peter. Peter wasn't that worth it. He wasn't just spiderman, but if people around here knew he was, he was sure he'd be a big deal around the hallways.

The thought scared him. Everyone being loud, photos and pictures everywhere, and worst of all, the hate. 

"You hear that penis parker," Flash laughed, "Guess your secret will end here when I ask THE Tony Stark about the internship and he denies it!" He was hysterical. 

Peter had never told Stark about Flash and how he beats him up over things like this. He never even told him how he almost ran Peter over once. He couldn't, because he knew what Mr. Stark would say.

'You have powers kid, a few sacrifices have to be made in order to keep your life normal if you really want to live two lives.' that's what he would say. That's what he always said when Peter tried to talk to him about his problems. 

"Um, I-" Peter was cut off as Flash just snarled.

"Now you have nothing to say!" He grabbed a handful of Peter's shirt and pull him close to hit him but Ned grabbed his arm.

Ned glared, "You don't want to do this right in the hallway. Teachers will find you and you'll have detention. That wouldn't look right for the perfect lady catching Flash, now would it?"

Flash looked around at the busy hallways before letting go of Peter and walking of angrily.

Peter sighed, melting from the tense holding breathe waiting to be punch form he was in earlier. 

"Thanks Ned, what would I do without a friend like you?" Peter smiled and patted Ned's back.

"I still can't get over the fact that my best friend is a superhero and the ironman, to which he works with, is coming to this school and is going to be talking to us and we are going to be able to see a superhero is person!" Ned was fangirling....fanboying? in the hallway as Peter tried to quieten him down. 

"Shhh! People still have ears Ned and this isn't the time to be celebrating. This is very VERY bad!" He started walking towards the back of the school. "I have to leave...now..." He said.

Ned's eyes widened and he followed after Peter quickly. 

"Wait, you can't ditch school. Plus, why are you wanting to leave? Mr. Stark is your boss and everyone will think you're lying if you leave!" Ned said, moving past people in the hallway as he spoke. His words only made Peter speed up.

He sighed, "Yes Ned, and guess what will happen if Mr. Stark is in the same room with me, my bully, and my best friend. He's bound to embarrass me in front of one of you and I'm not in the mood for whatever he's doing here." He then stopped and turned to Ned. "And plus if he really is only here for the school education thing then it wouldn't matter if I was here or not. So as long as I'm out that door before he gets he-"

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