~Stay Alive~😟

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Hey Guys! I wanted to make this for awhile so I decided now was the best time to do this. Anyways, thank you all for the reads!!!

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Stay alive~

Stay alive~

Mr. Stark rushed through the hallway of the hospital. The doctor came out into the hallway, stopping Mr. Stark in his tracks.

"Where's my son?"

"Mr. Stark, come in," He said, bringing Tony into a different hallway. "they brought him in half an hour ago."

Tony walked fast alongside him, becoming impatient. 

"He lost a lot of blood on the way over." The doctor continued to explain, desperately trying to calm the frantic father as he pushed through the doctor.

Stay alive~

"Is he alive?" Tony demanded as he watched the doctor's face. He was nervous about the doctors reaction.

"Yes, but you have to understand, the bullet entered just above his hip and lodged in his right arm-"

Tony interrupted, "Can I see him please?" his voice broke in a hurt way.

The doctor sighed, his hand on the handle of the room, "I'm doing everything I can but the wound was already infected when he arrived."

He opened the door and Tony rushed into the room and over to the bed and looked at his son, laying hurt on the hospital bed. 

"Peter." He whispered.

Peter's eyes cracked open and he looked up at Tony, "Pa!" He smiled weakly. "I did exactly as you said Pop, I held my head up high." He groaned.

"I know I know" Tony nodded his head quickly, "Shh, I know I know Shh!" He smiled, "You did everything just right."

"Even before we got to ten" "Shh"

"I was aiming for the sky!" "I know, I know Shh"

"I was aiming for the sky!" "I know, I know Shh"

Tony felt tears come to his eyes "I know, save your strength and stay alive!"

Pepper busted in the door in seconds, "No!"

She ran over to them, grabbing her son in her arms.

"Pepper." Tony said her name, not even thinking when he did.

"Is he breathing? Is he going to survive this?" She cried out in desperate cries. Stay Alive!

Pepper glared at Tony, "Who did this, Tony did you know?" She looked down when Peter touched her hands.

"Mom, I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me." Peter apologized.

Pepper let tears run down her face, "My son."

"We played piano." He laughed weakly.

"I taught you piano." she quivered.

"You would put your hands on mine." He leaned his head back with a smile. But he knew he didn't have very long. The pain stung and he saw his fathers face.

"You changed the melody every time."

"I would always change the line."

"Shh I know, I know"

He coughed "I would always change the line"

"I know i know."

She pressed her head to his forehead, "Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf"

"Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf" He managed to get out.

"Good." She smiled. "Un-deux-trois-quatre-cinq-six-sept-huit-neuf"

"un-deux-trois..." Peter's eyes closed. 

"Sept-huit-neuf" Pepper repeated, looking down at her son. "Sept-huit-" She saw his body no longer move and his chest went still. She let out a scream of pain, tears streaming down her face.

Tony held her in his arms and he couldn't bare to look at his son, not being able to take the pain.

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