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Peter hummed as he entered the room with his phone as he violently typed to someone. Tony was sitting on the couch with Steve and Bruce, watching as Peter entered the room.

When Peter sat down in a chair, not once looking up from his phone, Mr. Stark got curious on what exactly he was doing.

"Peter, who are you texting over there?" Tony called over to him, making the other two looked away from what they were doing and pat attention.

He blushed a little when he saw Tony had been watching him, not really wanting to tell his dad that he had gotten a boyfriend. 

"O-oh well...." He just laughed nervously, trying to see if they was any way he could get out of this alive.

"I wasn't very interested at first, but with that reaction there is no way I'm missing out on whatever this is." Bruce said with a huge smirk on his face.

"Traitor." Peter muttered, glancing from all of them then down at his phone.

It wouldn't be so bad if he had told the family of his that he was gay. But he didn't tell anyone that he was, so it was going to be very awkward to tell them then dump the news he had a boyfriend. 

Not to mention he feared they wouldn't accept him and would throw him out. He loved being an Avenger and doesn't know what he'd do without Tony Stark at his side to support him in things he does. He loved him, like his dad. Though it wasn't official, he did bring up calling him dad before and that made their relationship even closer.

"Peter, you're not answering~🎶" Tony sing-songed. 

He held his phone close to his chest, taking a deep breath.

"If i tell you, you won't get upset, right?" Peter asked, "Like you won't kick me out and say I'm a disappointment and that you never want to see me again!" He explained.

Tony frowned, "Peter, I would never do that."

"And it can't be that bad." Steve stated beside him, "You didn't kill someone did you?"

"No, it's just, well I never told anyone here before and I feel like it might go too fast for everyone since we are skipping like five steps." He explained.

"Damn, how much have you been keeping a secret from me?" Tony huffed.

"Just this." Peter sighed, "I...well I have a boyfriend."



"What? What did I say???" Peter questioned what got them so riled up.

"Peter- we don't care that you're gay!" Tony laughed, "You'd just be the second Avenger to be gay."


"Can't say."

"oh okay." Peter rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

How had he even thought that his own family would disapprove of his choices in how he loved?

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