~Tag, You're It~✋

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Peter had been living with Mr. Stark lately because of the threat of being Spiderman. Tony didn't want him getting hurt from him being on patrols alone. 

Being that, Tony often had visitors from reporters, news reporters, heroes like the Avengers, people who came for jobs, and many things like that. This always made Peter nervous to come home from school, knowing he could walk in to see some stranger questioning Tony.

But soon Peter got used to having heroes around him, loved talking to them and getting to know the experience of everything they had been through.

Now, Peter played these fun games with the heroes to keep them on their toes. He wanted to see how good they were at surprises. What if one day someone just busted in to fast to react?

At first the heroes were a little annoyed, though they worshipped Peter to the point he was scared to see what an enemy of his would do if they found out about them, but soon they had fun having the friendly competition and loved seeing Peter's face as he smile and laughed about the games he would put on them.

So one day, Peter had an idea on what he was going to do.

It was a simple game, something they all would understand, except maybe thor, if raised on Earth. A normal game of tag.

They were all in the living room watching t.v.

Natasha was sitting at the edge away from everyone, humming as she read a book with her legs crossed. Bruce was next to Steve and Tony, writing things on a notebook, showing Tony his notes and asking questions every once in awhile.

Tony was on his phone and scrolling through the cameras, checking the last week of footage to make sure nothing was happening. Steve was watching a t.v. show, not understanding how everyone was reacting to small situations like it was the end of the world.

Thor was laughing every time someone on the t.v. got hurt, fell, ran into walls, or anything happened to embarrass them.

Luckily Loki wasn't here, because Peter doesn't think he'd win if that happened. 

He peaked his head past the corner of the hallway, seeing everyone in the room and knew that he needed to do this before someone noticed him. 

Putting his hands on the wall, he climbed up the wall and soon on the roof, hanging over everyone and looking around the room. Who should he go for? 

Not Natasha. He didn't want to see her disappointed face, because he knew she wasn't going to hurt him.

Steve was one of his favorite, but he doesn't want to play favorites so he was on the tag list.

Tony was his father practically, bur again, favoritism. But at the same time he could rule him out as someone who was paying the bills for him and plus the reason that he could ground him or take away his suit and patrols. 

Thor probably could sense him just as he was about to tag him. Not to mention he was a god. But he really wanted to see his reaction. And not to mention this but HE WANTED TO SHOW UP A GOD!

And Bruce. He didn't think Bruce would get angry but did he want to risk it. Yes. Yes he did. 

So it was Bruce, Steve, or Thor. He decided already. Thor was going to be his target. 

In a quick movement, Peter jumped down from the roof and easily slammed his hand on Thor's shoulder, sliding to a stop in the middle of the living room.

The others lifted their heads, confused on to why Peter had just appeared out of no where. Only Steve and Tony had seen that he tapped Thor, who looked utterly confused about why he had just tapped his hand on him.

"Peter," Tony questioned, "Why did yo-"

"Tag you're it!" Peter cheered, a huge smile across his face as his put his hands on his hips proudly. The others had a goofy grin on their face as they understood what he was doing. Thor on other hand was very confused.

"Tag?" His eyes widened, "Is this another challenge?" He asked.

"Yep!" Peter hummed, "You have to chance other people and try to touch them and then they have to do it and you have to run away so you don't get tagged!" He explained very quickly.

The others stood up immediately knowing what was about to happen.

"Oh, I see." Thor stated.

He then shot himself at Steve so quickly that everyone let out screams and started running.

"Tag!" He touched Steve, who yelped in surprise.

Steve went after Bruce, who rolled under a table weirdly and got away from Steve. Steve turned and put his hand on Tony, "Tag!"

"Damn it!"


"Shut up!"

This went on for half an hour before everyone started getting tired. Peter happily laughed and smiled as he took sips of water. Everyone else was chugging.

But it was worth it. As they all loved seeing the smile on his face as he celebrated lasting so long in tag.

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