Chapter 16

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In the morning, Aang tried to leave with Appa alone. We caught him and we convinced him that he couldn't go into the Fire Nation alone. It also leads Zuko away from the village which was my biggest concern. Before leaving I told the village leader to tell our location if someone were to come and ask, discretely away from the other noticing. We have higher chances to fight them off compared to a small village of people who were already terrorized by a spirit.

After traveling for a long while the sun started to rise. As we were now above water I looked down.

"Um Aang, we've got some company," I said.

"And it's gaining fast!" Sokka said urgently

We watched as they had begun shooting fireballs at us.

"Fireball!" Yelled Katara.

Those balls of flame reeked. Like garbage mixed with feces.

"We have to get out of Zuko's range before he shoots another hot stinker at us!" Katara yelled once more.

"Can't you make Appa go any faster?!" Sokka asked.

"Yeah but there's just one little problem," Aang replied

A blockade.

"If we go North we can go around the Fire Nation ship and avoid the blockade. It's the only way,"

"We wont make it in time then," I responded.

"It's dangerous!" Aang said.

"That's why we're here," Katara replied

"Let's run this blockade," Sokka ordered

Appa sped up as the blockage began to shoot fireballs at us. Appa trying to steer clear got his fur caught on fire. All of us did our best to pat it out quickly. Aang steered Appa into the clouds thinking we were safer except we couldn't see where the fireballs were coming from so we were all in a panic as Appa avoided the fiery aim. Sokka almost fell out of the saddle and Aang caught him. Momo caught a fish that slapped Sokka in the face.

Appa lowered himself to the water as he continued to avoid the fire. Aang then went and air bended a fireball to be able to get passed the blockage

"We made it!" Aang cheered

'Well we're alive, that's what matters right?' I gave a huff of relief after being tense for so long.

"We got into the Fire Nation. Great," Sokka said both stunned at the accomplishment and concerned for our safety here on out.

We traveled above Fire Nation waters, we landed upon an island Aang spotted. We climbed what seemed like a temple but there were no soldiers. Actually there was no one in sight. I wasn't sure how to feel about the absence of Fire Nation on their own territory. Maybe it was abandoned, we weren't sure. We began to sprint realizing we were running out of time. The sun had begun to set meaning the solstice was almost over. Aang needed to speak with Avatar Roku, or else all of this would have been for nothing.

I began to feel an eerily sensation, someone was watching us. Not only that they were following us. Sokka heard the mysterious sound. Turning around we were greeted by Fire Sages. They were the guardian of the Fire Temple of the Avatar. Realizing Aang was the Avatar they started to attack us with their fire. We started running again as Aang held the Fire Sages back. We had no idea where we were going. We were just trying to get away. Aang had begun to lead the way. Leading to where? Again we have no idea.

"Wrong way!" Aang shouted as a Fire Sage stood infront of us so we ran in the opposite direction. A dead end.

"I don't want to fight you," The Fire Sage said calmly but a bit hesitantly, "I am a friend,"

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