Chapter Twenty Four- Part One

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Chapter Twenty Four- Part One

The wedding breakfast was a memorable event that was to stay imprinted in both William's and Elizabeth's minds. It was hard to describe it. No word was enough to describe what they were feeling. Happy, merry, joyful, delighted, joyous, blessed... none was enough. Maybe because it was the fact that happiness wasn't a word to describe something physically, no human being will be able to describe it, for it is one thing to be happy and one thing to be really happy.

Elizabeth shook her head when she realized that she started sounding philosophical. She scanned the table one more time and felt her smile stretching even more across her face. These people had traveled all the way from their home just to celebrate the bride's and the groom's happiness. They came here to celebrate their union and she was more than glad to know that their union was finally made. Except for the consummation of course. She felt the knot of anxiety and nervousness in the pit of her stomach when her mind started venturing towards that topic. She could clearly remember that one night before her wedding where her mother had knocked on the door and came in with a glass of warm milk in her hand.

Elizabeth's favorite drink before going to bed when she was a child.

She remembered feeling a bit suspicious that it was her mother personally giving it to her, where she could've simply called upon a servant and asked them to get a glass of warm milk to her chamber. She even felt more suspicious when she saw her mother, as she neared her bedside, crimson faced. It dawned on her then. It was time for the talk. Elizabeth offered her mother a warm smile and scooted to the edge of the bed to make more space for her mother although the bed would have seated four.

"I guess you already know why I am here?" Charlotte asked taking the spot next to her daughter and handing her the glass of warm milk in the process. Elizabeth gave a curt nod as an answer and waited for her mother to continue. She knew bits and pieces about the wedding night, she knew it included being naked where she was to lie on her back, at least which was what she surmised during that night. She shuddered at the odious memory and forced herself to focus on what her mother had to say. "Well then." She added suddenly stopping as she became even redder in the face.

"Mother?" Elizabeth asked feeling a bit guilty, she knew her mother wasn't comfortable discussing this topic but she knew that she should hurry if she wanted to have a good night's sleep before her big day.

"What was I saying? Oh, never mind, I remember." She said in a rush. "Elizabeth, so I've meant to come to your bedchamber before but a chance didn't present itself until now. You see, I wanted to explain to you a couple of things concerning your wedding night." She blabbered, took a deep breath and continued. "Tomorrow you are expected to full fill your duty as a wife. What I mean is, that William and you are to consummate the marriage. I know it would be a bit hard on your part, but you should know that William will be more than gentle when the times come. There will be pain though, but I assure you it's only during the first time, unless of course he wasn't- oh what am I saying? Lord. It's even harder than I expected but Elizabeth could you quit looking at me in that manner? Alice didn't even blink an eye while I was explaining to her."

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