Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Elizabeth quickly made her way out of the ball room doing her best to ignore all the looks she was receiving and her best to ignore the whispers that were, no doubt, about her.

As she passed the guests that were standing in the foyer talking and laughing she released the breath she was holding and quickly made it to the stairs taking two steps at a time.

She glanced around her when she reached the third floor where all Alves's rooms were which were all the family bedchambers and private drawing rooms. While the second floor consisted of all the guest bedchambers.

One by one she passed by the wooden doors of her siblings bedchambers until she reached her own, yanking the door open she rushed inside her bedchamber and locked the door behind her.

"What is happening to me?" She whispered sitting on the edge of the bed. She was really confused by her actions, she wasn't sure why she was acting in that ill manner.

Elizabeth shook her head and stood up taking her gown off leaving her with her chemise and petticoats, she walked inside her closet and grabbed the first nightgown and pulled it over her head. She then walked towards her dresser and sat down and started removing the pins from her hair, when they were all removed she combed her hair and made her way towards her bed retiring for the night.


William stared at Elizabeth's retreating back, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"My lord, I apologize about my daughter's actions, she's been through too much." Edmund said calmly.

"Through too much?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He heard a rumor a month ago about Lady Elizabeth being attacked and shot by a man, but he never relied on rumors he liked to hear it personally.

"Yes, well..." The Earl started a scowl on his face. "Ellie was attacked by a drunkard that tried forcing himself upon her when she was coming back to the mansion after visiting her sister, but the man shot her when she freed herself." He said his voice breaking at the end. "If Ellie wasn't strong headed she would've been ruined and lived a miserable life." The old man added clearing his throat.

William just nodded his head pursing his lips. "And the man?" He asked suddenly feeling a wave of anger flow through his body as he remembered the way Elizabeth acted today that showed nothing but fear.

"He's rotting in a cell." He said gritting his teeth.

"Good." William muttered. "Well if it isn't tiring, and if you don't mind wanted to ask if I could stay for the week?" William asked a small smile on his face. "You know its winter and I hear there's a storm this week and Devonshire is a two week travel from here." He added looking at Edmund that had a huge grin on his face.

"Oh! It would be our pleasure!" He exclaimed smiling. "Charlotte would be delighted!" He added making his way back into the ball room in search for his wife, Charlotte.

William smiled and followed suit behind the Earl, although all his thoughts were wandering around those sapphire eyes that were filled with horror and fear.


Ellie woke at the crack of dawn the next day, her eyes were fixed at the pale blue ceiling as she played what happened last night in her mind. She bit down on her lip when it registered in her mind, she hadn't given her actions a thought yesterday.

She shouted at a duke! And she rudely walked away from him when he was introducing himself. She felt heat rushing to her face and she groaned covering her face with her hands. Ellie slowly pushed the covers a way from her and slipped out of bed walking towards her window unlocking the door on her way there.

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