Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

“You don’t understand mother, I –I” no words could describe how desperate and scared Elizabeth was, she’s been sitting in the gardens with her mother for an hour and she felt quite frustrated with herself. Her mother was being as stubborn as a mule, she wasn't taking any excuses for not explaining what had taken place last night after the play, she wasn't convinced that nothing has happened and she was pretty sure that William and herself weren't taking to each other, she was convinced that they were cross with each other but Elizabeth was trying her best to prove her mother wrong. Unfortunately, what Charlotte was saying turned out to be correct, at least that’s what Elizabeth realized during the first course of breakfast, that’s what she gathered when she first entered the dining room and realized that William neither stared at her as she entered the room nor did her stand up to greet her. He was cross with her.

She took her usual seat and stared at Anna with a frown on her face, she didn't realize that she was wringing her dress with her hands, she felt like shouting and crying but she held her tears at bay, she swallowed the lump in her throat and bit down on her lower lip, she was going to hold it in, she was going to change and today, no, right in this instant, in this moment she was going to start the change. She was determined, she was going to grow up and act like the woman she was, her childish behavior was to be a part from her past, a distant memory in her mind.

Quietly she took a boiled egg from the huge dish in front of her and placed it in her plate, she cracked the shell and then proceeded in putting some salt and herbs on it. “Elizabeth, today we shall go to the town to take your engagement dress measurement, Mary will be waiting for us, so hurry up with your breakfast so we could go, and I ordered the butler to prepare the carriage for us.” Charlotte explained taking a sip from her orange juice. “Anna dear, if you want to join us you can come, we can even take measurements for your dress too.” She added nodding towards her youngest daughter.

“I’d love to.” Anna commented smiling as she took another bite from her breakfast. Elizabeth on the other hand gave her mother a curt nod as an answer and then went back to continuing her breakfast, but she had lost her appetite when she stared at William from the corner of her eyes, he looked furious and he had an unfamiliar expression on his face, an expression Elizabeth hasn't seen before. She didn't realize that she was ogling her eyes at him until he turned his face towards her and stared back at her, she stared back and felt her cheeks flush from shyness.

She didn't find it in herself to smile at him, or to mumble a simple ‘good morning’, she felt flustered, embarrassed, and gull. Silently she brushed the wrinkles from her midnight blue dress and pushed herself out of her seat. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” She muttered forcing a smile as she stared at her parents.

“Elizabeth you haven’t eaten your food.” Michael pointed out as he stared at her still full plate. Déjà vu, she thought as she stared at her brother. She bit down on her lower lip when she felt overwhelmed with the memory that flashed before her eyes. “I know I shouldn't skip breakfast, but I’m not hungry.” She started a sincere smile on her face. “And I've been told that breakfast is the most important meal.” She added stealing a quick glance at William and then back at her brother. “I’ll make sure it’s the last time I skip breakfast.” She promised as she turned around and walked towards the door and out of the dining room, she walked put and didn't see the smile that William had on his face.

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