Chapter Twenty Four- Part Two

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Chapter Twenty-Four Part Two

It was the fastest hour Elizabeth has ever passed through in her whole life. Every minute flew by so fast she was barely aware of the few minutes left before her one hour was over. But before she knew it she was sitting on the edge of the bed draped in the nightgown her mother-in-law had left for her. Her hands rested on her lap, she tried her best not to get hold of the night gown and start wringing it for, she feared she'd leave noticeable creases on it and this was the last thing she wanted. She bit down on her lip when she heard the echoing foot steps behind the adjoining door. She remembered Kate's soothing words just before she left her alone in her misery. Don't be afraid mi 'lady, it's going to be alright, just don't fret about it. It was easier said than done, Elizabeth thought as she heard the door open behind her, she suddenly went stiffer and her breath caught in her chest. All thoughts suddenly vanished and her hands started trembling, she quickly tried hiding them under the thing layer on the night gown to no avail. She was in a complete frenzy by the time she heard the click of the door signaling William's presence in the bedchamber.

She forgot how to breathe, even if she were to try she knew they would come out in harsh breaths, giving her away, for she tried her best to look composed. William, was quickly aware of his bride's state as soon as he saw her stiff back, he knew he was in for a long night, he took a deep breath and started walking towards the bed, with every step he took, he thought her saw Elizabeth's back stiff even more if it were possible. Slowly, he edged towards her and sat down next to her. Without further warning he lied on his back and rested his head behind his hands.

"It was such a fine day for our wedding day." He commented staring at his bride from the corner of his eye, he stayed silent for a couple of moments and waited for her comment, but when he realized he was getting none he continued. "And you were breathtakingly beautiful today." He whispered, smiling to himself as he remembered her in her wedding gown. He thought he saw her lower lip tremble when he sighed. "Come here, Elizabeth." He whispered and open his arms for her as he waited. Without further warning, Elizabeth threw herself in his arms and hid her face in the crook of his neck, it was then that he felt the dampness of her cheeks against his skin.

"Thank you." She whispered looking up at him with a small smile on his face. "William." She whispered as she closed her eyes. "I'm so very sorry." Her voice broke as a sob escaped her trembling lips.

"Shhh." He whispered as he caressed her back. "There is nothing to apologize for." He added soothingly. "I am more than grateful to have you laying by myside tonight."

Elizabeth nodded her agreement bumping his chin. "I-I" she started, took a breath, and then lifter her head to look at him. "I don't want to disappoint you." She whispered, as she wrung the sheets under them. "I don't know what to expect tonight, my mother barely explained." Her voice was so low, if he weren't lying next to her he wouldn't have caught them. He knew the cause behind her fear, he smiled to himself and turned his face to stare at his wife's wide blue eyes watching him expectantly.

"Is that so?" he asked smiling at her, she quickly nodded and started biting her lower lip. His wife was so sensitive he realized, and he somehow found her timidity appealing. "Well then, I should assure you, I know what you're going to expect tonight." He almost chuckled when she saw her eyes widen even more and a small smile suddenly broke across her face.

"Well then, can you explain?" she asked blinking in surprise when he shook his head.

"I would rather show you." He whispered wrapping his arms around her waist slowly pushing her towards him. Her face was mere inches above his, she blushing furiously, as her hands rested intimately against his chest. They stared at each other for a couple of minutes when he suddenly broke the silence. "We'll start with a simple kiss." She didn't have time to answer, for his mouth came crushing on hers, the last thought she had before she was lost in the kiss was that she truly enjoyed William's kisses.


It was the most wonderful week in her wife, and before she knew it, it was over and they were going to leave their bedchamber. Elizabeth groaned as she rolled to her side, William was already out of bed, he was standing next to the bed putting his shirt on, Elizabeth watched him as he buttoned the last button of his stark white shirt. She felt her cheeks flush as she smiled up at him when he caught her boldly staring at him.

"Good Morning." He bent down on the mattress and placed a quick kiss on her lips. He straightened again went to the other side to retrieve his shoes and socks. "We're going to be late for breakfast if you don't get out of bed, Elizabeth." He commented as he stared over his shoulder.

"I'm going to get up, don't worry." She exclaimed pouting as she slipped out of bed with the covers draped around her naked body. "I'm going to take a quick bath and then get changed." She added as she walked to wards the bath tub, slowly she got rid of the covers and slipped inside the water, William must have ordered the hot water when she was still sleeping, and she thought as she closed her eyes and sighed at the feeling of the warm water against her sore muscles.

William watched her from the corner of his eyes and took a deep breath, she was an inviting sight with her hair cascading behind her shoulders, the steam from the hot water gave her different aroma and her constant sighs almost got him losing the last thread of his control.

"William, would please pass by the soap bar, I forgot to pick it up on my way to the tub." He pursed his lips and stood up to get the soap bar, if her knew better, she was doing it on purpose but he was not going to succumb to trickery and instead kept a good distance between them as he extended his hand with the scented soap bar in his hand, she quickly took it and started rubbing her body. He stood rooted in his spot as he stared at his wife. Then without warning she stood up and grabbed the towel and wrapped in around her dripping body. "Now, if you would excuse me, I would like to get changed."

Ten minutes later, Elizabeth stood before the mirror as she adjusted her hair in a neat braided bun. William had helped her into the sapphire gown, for it was more than difficult to do it by herself. Five minutes later, they were out of the bedchamber, side by side they walked towards the dining room, everyone was already there, and William gave his wife a knowing look as they made their way towards the dining table. Everyone stood up as they approached, Elizabeth gave her husband a sheepish look and then averted her attention to their families as they rushed to greet them. Her mother was smiling knowingly, and Elizabeth felt herself blushing to her roots, the blush was a telltale sign itself. William saved his wife from the agony as he rested his hand on the small of her back as he guided her towards her seat, he took the one next to her and minutes later the food was being served. It was then that Elizabeth realized just how much she missed her families gathering, and she knew that they were going to leave at the end of the week. She glared at her sister as she saw the cheesy smile plastered on her lips. Elizabeth pursed her lips as she took hold of her fork and knife and started eating the already cracked boiled egg that William had placed in her plate.


Please point out all the errors and mistakes!!

Im sorry for the long wait!!


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