Chapter Twenty

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**If you guys want to enjoy this chapter I would recommend listening to ‘A Thousand Miles, by Tove Lo’ I was listening to this song all throughout writing the chapter, I don’t know about you guys! But I LOVE this song!! You guys can check the song, I've posted the vidoe/song! Enough of my rambling! ENJOY!**

Chapter Twenty

Williams departure was enough to leave Elizabeth in a state of loneliness and desolation, she was now vaguely aware of the sadness that filled her eyes and the sudden coldness of her voice every time she spoke, which she was always doing considering the fact that she was already preparing for her wedding that would be taking place in three months preparation. Her mother was continuously muttering that three months were not enough to prepare a huge wedding, for it was a duke’s wedding, and according to costume a lot of guests would be invited, and according to William the wedding would be taking place in Devonshire, in his house, for it was a Seddon tradition, that was passed by from his great ancestors.

One week after William’s departure, Elizabeth’s day always started on the same way, she would wake up at by dawn, then she would slip out of the comfort of her warm sheets and bed and drag her small chair and sit across the huge window, remove the drapes and stare into the breathtaking scenery that took place when the sun started rising over the horizon, and when that was done she would stay there and picture her wedding day, she tried imagining William standing there at the end of aisle waiting for her, looking devilishly handsome, his eyes boring into hers, sending her an unspoken message that carried all the love that was only for her when she was finally his.


William would be her husband, a husband that would love her from all his heart. After her small daydream her lady’s maid, Kate, would come inside her bedchamber and help her into one of the gowns after taking her usual morning shower, and they she would comb her hair until in shined and put it in an up do and tie it with a matching ribbon. On Mondays, Elizabeth sat for breakfast and barely had the time to relax because by then she would be dragged to town to see the progress of her ivory wedding dress, she would then walk with her mother and sisters down the streets, enter several shops and then go back to the waiting carriage where they would meet a dozen of her mother’s friends and be asked about the preparations of the wedding. On Tuesdays the same rituals took place, and by Wednesday Elizabeth would be drained to the bone with exhaustion and longing, she would count every second and it ticked eight in the evening she would retire to her bedroom and scramble to her desk, she would get out one of the white parchments, take her ink and quill out and start writing William.

The letter would always start with the same three words. I miss you. And she would start writing him about her day and the wedding preparations, she would always mention the fact that she longed to be by his side, that she felt so lonely and forlorn without him by his side, but she made sure to assure him that all was well.  At the end of the letter she would ask him about his well-being and she asked him to rewrite her when he received her letters. After reading the letter she would sprinkle sand on the parchment, fold it and then seal it.

She knew that William was still on his way to Devonshire so she made sure to remember calling the butler the next morning and sent the seven letters she had written. She always included him in her nightly prayers, always praying for his safeness. She opened her drawer and placed the sealed letter with six other letters, she felt silly as she stared at the seven letters she had written. What would William say when he read them? She closed her eyes and a small smile touched her lips when she imagined him, his tall frame, his broad shoulders, his long athletic legs, his eyes, and his smile.  He was her fiancé, her future husband.

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