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Yn is about to open the door, her heart is beating so fast. "Wait, he cut the call. Let me try again... He isn't answering. Oh, wait, he emailed me." Yuna and Yn look at each other, thankful for the moment. "Yuna, my daughter, I have to go. It is so important. I'm sorry I can't eat your gochujang," he said. "It's okay, Appa. Next time, you have to," Father pats Yuna on her head and goes to Yn. "I know that you wouldn't accept, but I can't stop asking. I don't know why. Yn, please live with us," he said while giving a painful smile. "Abeoji...," she said while looking down. "I understand, but..." he said. "I am so sorry," Yn said. "You don't have to be sorry, my good girl," he said and pats Yn too.

Yuna's father loves Yn as much as he loves Yuna. Yuna had a twin sister, but she died during birth. Her father had too much expectation for getting twins, and that incident broke him. After a few years, Yuna's brother also went abroad, which gave him stress. But he didn't want his son to come back. After some years, he met Yn. Yn is the nephew of his only friend. The first time he saw her, he felt that she was his passed daughter. He thought his daughter came to earth in another face. After a while, Yuna and Yn became friends. Yuna used to have no friends unless she met Yn, so they became very good friends, more like sisters. Then suddenly, Yn's aunt died in an accident that broke all of them. Yn is a carbon copy of her aunt, like their thoughts, life motto, personality, and she is also Yn's role model. After her death, they tried to convince Yn to live with them, but she didn't. She can't leave that house, and Yuna doesn't let Yn be. be alone in that house so Yuna also stay with her. Yn is working at his restaurant and Hospital he told yn hundred time that she don't need to work but yn don't accept that too. Yunas mother dead while giving birth to Yuna after her mother's death her brother also left her so she used to be every lonely . She only start leaving after meeting yn so they are like family...

Thank God we're alive today, what a bad day," Yuna said and sighed. "Yes... Oh my God, I almost died," Yuna got a notification and checked it. "Yn, God is with us. We don't have college tomorrow due to heavy rain. And look, it's 1am," she said. "Oh my goodness," Yuna took a deep breath in relief. "Wanna have yuja cha?" Yuna asked. Yn nodded. Yuna went to the kitchen while Yn continued to use her phone. Yuna started making yujacha when suddenly JK opened the door. "I want to throw up."

Yn was shocked and didn't know what to do. She ran and grabbed a bucket, telling him to vomit in it, and he did. She made him sit on the sofa in her room and gave him some water. While he was drinking, JK fell asleep. Yn noticed some dirt on his clothes. "I think I should change his clothes, but I don't have any fresh ones. My clothes fit him because they're all oversized, but... Oh wait, I have a new sweater that Hoba gifted me. It's kind of a girly color, but I don't have any other option." She unbuttoned his black silky shirt and slowly took it off. "Wow, abs. He has such a great body—no, Yn, don't think like that," she thought to herself. Her hand went to touch his abs automatically, but she slapped herself to snap out of it. She put the sweater on him and thought, "It looks good on him. I wonder how many times he changed his clothes. I saw him today in three different outfits." JK was peacefully sleeping on the sofa while Yn wrote in her diary and drank yujacha. Suddenly, JK woke up.

He looked at Yn and told her, like a kid, that his back hurt. But he was still half asleep. "Wait, let's move to the bed," she said and gently carried him to the bed. She was about to leave when she heard him murmuring something in his sleep. "Eomma...I am sick...eomma, I need you." She felt something sad and pathetic. "Nothing, nothing...just sleep," she said while patting him and covering him with a blanket. She turned off the light and went to the hall to check on Yuna, who was already asleep. She decided to sleep on the couch in the hall.


JK woke up, rubbing his eyes and wondering why the ceiling was so white and the room was so bright. "WTF! Where am I? Did I get kidnapped, huh? Oh fuck, I think I came to the wrong house after getting drunk. But where am I?" He slowly got out of bed and looked around, feeling scared. He opened the door and first saw Yn sleeping on the couch. "Oh fuck, I came to her house! Fuck! Shit! JK, remember what you did." He sat on the couch next to Yn since he had started getting drunk a long time ago and didn't remember anything. "Shit! Dump asshole, me! AGHHH!" But then his eyes moved to Yn, who was sleeping peacefully like a baby, her hair blocking his view. He went to her, knelt down, and moved her hair, thinking, "I just wished to see you sleeping like this in the morning, and now I'm really doing it. It's me. I always get everything I want like this, so please don't try to run away from me. I've rewritten your destiny since the day I wanted you, so you're already mine, heh." Suddenly, he heard someone, and it was none other than Yuna. He jumped up and stood there, staring at Yuna, who looked shocked. "Okay, bye," he said and was about to leave. "Wait a second," JK slowly turned around. "You called me ugly yesterday, do you remember?" she said. "Yes, sorry... Ok, bye," he said and ran out. Yuna was confused, but she left it and started making breakfast.
As he came outside , he realized her car and Jimin were both missing."where is my car, WTF where is jimin"

An: where is jimin and his car?

~ hello thanks for reading have a nice day pls vote 🥺💜~

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