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Jimin got up in the middle of the night to get some water. When he gets to the kitchen, Yn is holding her knee and sitting crying in the corner of the kitchen. As he trod on the light. Y/N is startled and jumps. "Are you crying?" She panicked and whipped her tears into a noo."
"Don't lie... I know your crying, and I know why you are crying." He approached her and asked, "You like Jungkook, right?" She felt like something mixed emotions, sad and happy. She nodded her head. "I know it. And you don't want to be with Taehyung like this?" She nodded again while looking down and crying. "Jungkook told me everything that happened between you and him before that, and I know it. You love him the way you care about him. Who cares about a monster who tries to destroy them like you do, without being in love?" Yn looked at Jimin's face slowly and looked down again; she was still crying. "There are lots of questions in your head. Where is he? What happened to him? How did he change? Like a million. I will make it clear... I was waiting for this moment all day. You have known it... Do you want to go outside to get some fresh air?" She nodded. Jimin walks and follows him; they both go to the top of the house. "So... I am starting from the beginning."


Don't take it seriously. His parents will be really sweet and caring, as you can tell by looking at him.
It's just on a story theme, so it doesn't have any connection to his family. I respect them.

Jungkook's parents get to know about his suicide attempt, and after that, they know all the truth about Y/N and Jungkook. They are shocked, but not surprised. Jungkook is suffering from severe depression. Sitting in a dark room all day, not eating at all. His parents are worried, but they are more worried about what will happen if the media learns about it. Shit, I don't have to agree with his marriage with that middle-class girl, but I thought it would help me when I go into politics, but I don't know if it will go like this without any benefit."
Mr. Jeong said this while walking across the hall angrily. Namjoon is standing next to him, and Mrs. Jeon is too. "I thought at least we could use her as a model...
But she ran away like such a mindless girl. Mrs. Jeon said well, rolling her eyes, "People will probably get to know about it because he announced his wedding next month. What should we say to the world? It will kill our reputation. Just think what happened when people knew Jeon Jungkook raped a girl and forced her to marry him. Blackmail her. Try to kill her parents and kill her best friend, and she will run away! Did you think people would leave us?! Me Jeon asked Namjoon, and he didn't reply. He walked across for a while, but the fact is that Jungkook heard this all from his room. When he hears they only agree for their own benefit, he feels so angry and disappointed. He came out of his room. Then he stopped there to hear more.

"Namjoonah, I have a plan; just make an announcement before people know the truth. Tell them that she used Jungkook for money and left him when she got what she wanted, and we still forgive her. That's a good impression; it will be better than others. Like a thunderstorm, Jungkook comes down the stairs when he hears it. He threw a glass flower pot at his father, saying, "HOW DARE YOU!!?" Tell me something wrong about her. I will show you who I am. I know this one didn't touch you, but the next one will!" He went in front of him without any fear and pointed at his chest. His father is speechless and shocked. "Jungkook!!!" His mom came in front of him. "What are you doing!!! Are you insane?" His mom yelled at him, "YES, I AM! AND YOU GUYS MADE ME! AND MAKING IT WORSE! He pointed at everyone. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU GUYS DO, BUT IF IT'S EFFECTING YOU A LITTLE, I WOULDN'T HESITATE TO DO ANYTHING! REMEMBER THAT!!!"
His face shows his anger. His eyes can see everyone. He kicked the chair next to him, and it broke.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE!!! YOURE DOING THIS ALL FOR A TYPICAL MIDDLE CLASS GI- Mr. Jeon said before he finished jungkook overtaking, "SHE IS NOT A TYPICAL GIRL FOR ME; SHE IS MY LOVE. SHE JEON JUNGKOOK'S LOVE IS NOT A SILLY GIRL! UNDERSTAND??!?? " He shouted out loudly, "IF ANYTHING HAPPENS. I WILL GO AND TELL THE MEDIA THE TRUTH BY MYSELF AND MORE... HOW MUCH YOU GUYS BETRAYED OTHERS TOO! His eyes are clearly showing he is honest about what he says, "But I hate you." His mom said
He said and got out of the house. He broke three flower pots and one mirror while going out. The house fell into silence.

He went directly to Jimin's place like he always did. When it is raining, when he gets out in the rain, he can't hold back the tears anymore. He fell to his knees and burst into tears. " GOD!!! Why ARE YOU DOING THIS TO me? God, YOU MUST HATE ME! That's WHY YOU make EVERYONE HATE ME! YOU HATE ME!!! She hates ME! They HATE ME! AM I ONLY FOR THAT! I AM ALSO YOUR CREATION." Jimin saw him outside running in the rain. He went to hug him, jungkookah... What happened?? Are you okay?" Jimin feels like his heart is breaking. "No, I am NOT!
I WAS NEVER OKAY!!!" He fell down on Jimin's shoulder and started crying.
"Why did she leave me because I love her more than enough?! Yeah, I love her more than enough because I never felt that, and I want to make her feel that. But every thing I touch is destroying. Why? Jimin can't control his tears anymore.
"But the way you did it is wrong. I know you love her. I love her so deeply, but the way you show is wrong, and the way you express it is wrong! And I told you a million times. I am not blaming you! I am blaming everyone! You don't know how to show love because you've never seen it before, and I try, but you're already that bad, I could never change." Jimin petted Jungkook's head, but he was crying, "Why me!? Am I that bad that I don't deserve love? Am I that bad to force her to run away from me? Am I that bad? AM I THAT BAD?!!! He burst into more and more tears. " No!!! You are not a bad person. It's just a little part of your destiny; your destiny is still in process, and there is the best for you to come." Jimin closed his eyes tightly and said, "No, there is no better for ME! There IS NO ONE BETTER THAN HER! NO ONE!! FOR ME!!! There IS NOTHING! She IS THE BETTER! I WANT HER! MY EYES ARE CREWING TO SEE HER! I WANT TO SEE!!! IT IS SO PAINFUL!! I FEEL LIKE THIS PAIN KILLING ME OR I WILL KILL MYSELF IN THIS PAIN!!! I BEGGED HER TO STAY WITH ME AND BE LIKE WHAT SHE WANT!! I WILL!!!! She IS ALL FOR ME! I CAN'T LIVE THIS DEADLY LIFE!"" He cried like he wanted that. Jimin is finding it hard to breathe and feels so pathetic for his friend; he can't see him like this.
"I know where y/n is, but you have to promise that you are not going to do something like you did." Jimin feels like a thorn is coming from his mouth. " WHERE!! Where IS she? I-I swear I've never done anything to her!!! I LEARN MY LESSON: "He looks so excited. "She moves to the USA. I know where... She is doing well. She is living a happier life. She is also making it clear that you are doing well. She is fine." Jungkook felt relieved for a moment. "SHE STILL CARES ABOUT ME?! It's MAKING things more complicated! JIMINAH, PLEASE TAKE ME TO HER. I AM BEGGING. I WANT TO SEE HER FACE! I KNOW I DID NOT DO ANYTHING!!! I DON'T EVEN GIVE IN FRONT OF HER, PLEASE, I AM BEGGING! I JUST WANT TO SEE HER! PLEASE!!! Jungkook bends over to the ground, holds Jin's knee, and starts begging. Jimin can't see it. "Yeah, I will. Stop crying... Please ... Let's go inside, please... I will take you to her." Jungkook stands up immediately and goes inside Jimin's house to explain what happened. Jimin is shocked and speechless.

"There is my friend Jackson Wang. I called him; he is ready. He is working with Kim. You can stay with him and also call Namjoon; he is also with you. But don't force her, please. "No!"" Jungkook cut him off. "I didn't tell Jackson the truth. I just told you you were coming for something related to business. You can secretly see her, but never stalk her and don't go in front of her. Please, Jimin begs to him. Jungkook agreed.


He talked with Jackson for a while. He asks him, Where is Taehyung living? without making it obvious. In the talk, Jackson talked about the strange interview that happened today. He was so happy about this coincidence. He told Jackson that she was his secret crush. Jackson has been secretly in love with her for a long time. He appreciates and supports Jungkook.
Jungkook wants to meet Y/N so badly. He is about to go to the office to watch her, but on the way, he saw her in that vintage cafe. Sitting alone, he feels euphoria when he sees her; he feels like he is alive again. He went inside, sat at the last table, and kept watching her. He covered her face with a mask and kept watching her with a smile, the way she looked at the old couple. He was watching her when Taehyung came to her and shocked her. He can't watch her with another man, but he can control himself; his blood is boiling. He couldn't control it, so he left the cafe. Jungkook understands what Taehyung feels by his gaze to y/n. The love in his eyes is so obvious. He can't sleep all night while thinking about that. He is scared of what would happen if Y/N forgot about him and started life with Taehyung. At some point, he also wants her to be happy with someone, but it hurts to see her happy without him. He wants to do something. That time, the idea of a letter and a follower came to his mind so he could keep her talking about him. Next morning, he went and bought some purple flowers. That purple flower is still with him about y/n. He talked about Jackson placing it in the office, and he agreed because he never knew the truth. Jackson and Jungkook go together, and he shows Jungkook her cabin. He places that and waits at the bus stand to see Y/N coming. After
Sometimes he saw her. He happily went back. The next day, Jackson doesn't come; he gives his ID card. He went to her cabin. He saw her place that flower in her office. He became so happy, like the happier, even though she didn't know she was loving it. He told her to wear purple that day, but she didn't. It's kind of disappointing, but he was happy when he saw her collecting those flowers every day. It gives hope. He doses it every day while secretly watching. He said about this to Jimin that he was disappointed at first, but he also agreed. After some days. Jackson told Jungkook about the trip Taehyung and Y/N are going on and asked him what he was going to do. Jungkook can't keep her from his eyes. He said this about Jimin. He said he would do something. Jimin doesn't want to see Jungkook depressed. Jimin takes tickets for Jungkook on the same flight. Every moment Jungkook sees Y/N with Taehyung feels like hell. His jealousy keeps increasing. He stays at some hotel because he can't live at the honeymoon centre, so he places his camera in Taehyung's car and his room when he goes shopping for the party. He secretly goes like a party organizer and goes to their room and places a secret camera. When they come back and join the party, Jungkook keeps watching them. He can't take it anymore. When they dance and he holds her waist. When they play cherry game together he can't control. He felt like killing Taehyung, but he controlled himself. He couldn't believe Y/N forgot him this fast, so he decided to make her remember him, so he joined the game. He is sure y/n will remember him when she touches his hand, and she did. He enjoyed her shocked expression, and he left before they announced the winner because he didn't want to see that. That night, he saw Y/N let Taehyung cuddle her. He is going insane because she never let him touch her. He has to force her.

The next day, Jungkook kept watching them. He heard about them going to the forest for business-related things, so he didn't follow them. His camera was in their car. He feels the pain of death every time he smiles and giggles with Taehyung. They take time to come back from the forest to the car. It's making him worried, but when they come back,He saw Taehyung shirtless.
And y/n was fully wetted. He started thinking too much. He is worried so much. When they get to their room, Jungkook sees Y/N sad, and Taehyung lives with her like that and goes out. He goes to the honeymoon centre without taking a minute, secretly watching Y/N sit outside and calling Yuna. He heard her say Taehyung proposed to her. He feels like everything is going to end. He felt angry and sad at the same time, so he left the place as fast as he could. When he came back, he saw that Y/N was having a panic attack. He feels worried, and Taehyung is not even there. He went to the honeymoon centre again, but that time he saw Taehyung caring for her and going to the hospital. He realized that Taehyung is someone who deserves the pain in his eyes when he is hurt. The care for her Jungkook tries to accept the fact and be happy for her. He went back to his room, and as he opened the laptop, he heard, "I am ready to fall in love with you." From y/n's mouth. He feels completely broken in pieces, but he still wants to know more about Taehyung to be sure. He called Jimin and told him about everything. Jimin became angry; he had already told him not to stalk her, which he did, but he told Jungkook about the chemistry between Y/N and Taehyung. He also tries to think they're made for each other. He didn't want Y/N to forget about him because his love is not that weak, and he wanted her to understand that. He is also excited for
On his birthday, he is planning to do something. Then he was ready to break the roles. He wants to spend some time with her so they can both remember the rest of their lives even when they aren't together. He wants to remind her of that moment with him every time she hears the word "happiness." So he made the plan to kidnap her, steal her from her destiny for a while, and make her live the life he always dreamed of. And he did kidnap her, but it made everything worse again. He knows she loves him, and she knows he loves her, but they can't love each other, and they have to leave each other in the end. The moments they spend together make it hard to believe in destiny.
He came back to Korea when She told him to go away, but she came to Korea again. He can't believe they're going to meet again, but this time it's not going to be happy; it's going to be the hurtest meeting because she's going to be someone in front of his eyes, and she has to leave him in front of him. It's a painful meeting, but he is so enchanted to meet her again.

end of flashback

Jimin tells you everything like this. It's made everything worse and harder, but if he didn't, the density of Jungkook's love for her will be unknown forever. She has to know how much he loves her. While listening to this, all of Y/N's eyes keep tearing. She feels like her heart is aching. Like her body is in the air and her mind is blank. Jimin, tell everything. She closed her eyes and sighed, letting a tear fall from her eyes. "Why is life so difficult? Everything gets their loved one so easily, but mine is so complicated. Jungkook is right; God must hate us. " She sighs again. "It's not like that; maybe better is coming." Jimin said to relax her.
"Even the better come, this one keeps hurting till the end, and this pain will never go away." She said it's directly going to Jimin's heart because it's just the clear truth. Jimin feels sad for her and his dearest friend, Jiminah. "Can I ask for one favour?"
She asked Jimin with sorrowful eyes.
" Yes!! You can!! " He doesn't take a second to think, "I want to meet Jungkook because I think I am pregnant. I haven't tested yet, but I want to be with him." She said it with a cute voice. "WHAT??!! Fuck " Jimin said he feels so bad now: "I am scared. What if I am... I am also scared that if I am not, there is no other way to get jungkook. It's really scary. My life is scary." She said it in a low voice, like she was sighing or feeling dizzy: "I can understand... I will do something as fast as I can, so don't worry, something will happen in the end. May you guys get happily together, or may you guys be like this forever and think the end is here." He said, Side hug y/n. She takes a deep breath.
"Is Jungkook doing well?" She asked him, "I want to say yes, but if I say yes, it's going to be another lie. This is what he said when I asked him if he was okay." Jimin said with a sad smile
"He is probably not... I am also not, but I can take this pain, but I am not sure he can. I wish he would be more strong to take the pain that is coming." She said this while looking at the sky. "Did you regret?" Jimin asked her, "No!"" She said without taking a second, "He neither." Jimin said while sighing, "I just hate my destiny and... Myself too." She said while a tear dropped from her eyes. Jimin node, because there is nothing to say. "Let's go inside; the sun is going to rise... You should sleep now, he said. "I also wish I could sleep. Let's go." They are both downstairs. She went to Yuna's room. She smiled at Jimin, and while going in, he was also having a hard time. Because of this, he felt relieved when she smiled.

Yesterday morning, they all had breakfast together. Jimin keeps making sure that she is okay, even though he knows she is not. He is also wondering how someone can fake a smile and laugh this realistically when they're dying inside. Taehyung seems so happy, but Jimin is wondering how he can't find her pain. Y/N and Yuna gose there hose.

Jimin and Taehyung are coming back from dropping them. Jimin keeps sighing, "What is the matter, bro?" Taehyung asks Jimin, "I want to surprise Yuna because I never did; she is probably feeling bad about that, but I don't know how... Because I don't know about her likes and dislikes, and I am sure you also don't, he sighs again, "umm... Why don't you ask y/n to help you because she probably knows about that?" Jimin acts like he never thinks
"Yeah!! That's a great idea. But how do I take Y/N with me when Yuna is stuck with her? " He said it and sighed again. "Umm... " Taehyung strat thinking "Wait, I will take Yuna with me. I didn't buy a ring for Yuna yet. I am going to propose to her after two days, but I still haven't bought a ring. I will take Yuna with me for that. ISN'T A GOOD PLAN?" Taehyung said Jimin agreed and acted happy. "So today afternoon?" Jimin asked, "Yes, sure." Tae agreed.

When I get to her room, it feels like she hadn't seen her in a year. It's the same as before, but a little dusty. She jumped on her bed and laid down. That time, she remembered that it was given by Jungkook. A sad smile formed on her face. She bit her underlips and sighed, stood up, went to her shelf, and opened it. The first thing she takes is the Jungkookie plushie, which he gave her before, and his shirt, which he leaves when he is drunk. She took those and removed the dust from them all, smelled them, and sigh with a sad smile. He opened her suitcase and placed her all-new dress on the shelf. Then she saw her old diary, which she opened, and saw those bad things she wrote about Jungkook in the last words.
y/n written is "I WILL NEVER LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT. HE IS A MONSTER." She takes a pen and crosses every page, and she writes under the last words, "HE IS NOT A MONSTER.
People MADE HIM a monster.
When HE doesn't EVEN FORCE YOU
BUT YOUR HEART FORCES YOU TO DO AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING BECAUSE LOVE IS A BLACK MAGIC THAT MAKES PEOPLE BLIND AND MAKES YOU FORGOT ABOUT EVERYTHING AND GIVES YOU THE ENDLESS SWEET PAIN AND MAKES YOUR HEART NEVER LISTEN TO YOUR BRAIN AND MAKES YOU REFUSE THE FACT THAT YOU FIND IT RIGHT. WHEN IT'S HAPPEN, IT DOESN'T LOOK YOUR IDEAL TYPE OR YOUR WORTH; IT'S JUST HAPPEN, AND MORE BEAUTIFULLY WHEN YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM. " She wrote down everything that happened after that. She couldn't stop her tears. The ink and tears blended together. She took a big purple box. She leaves the plushie, the white shirt that he gave her, and the black shirt that he left there, along with all the letters he gave her, the book she made with the dead flowers that Jungkook gave her, and that diary. Stick a note up on it, The Forever Scar Left For You," and place it on her shelf with a sad smile on her lips and tears in her eyes. She lay down and checked her old phone and the engagement ring.

99+ massages from headaches

She didn't have the strength to open it. She turned the phone off and placed it in that box. She burst into tears the first time Jimin called her.

Jimin: hello

Y/n: yes..

Jimin: Are you okay...?

Y/n: I don't know

Jimin: Oh, well, me and Jungkook came to pick you up this afternoon after Tae and Yuna left the house.

Y/n: today??

Jimin: yeah... Get ready...

Y/n: yeah... Did you talk with Jungkook?

Jimin: yeah...

Y/n: What did he say?

Jimin: Nothing special. I will call you later.

Y/n: okay.

She lay down again, covered her face with a pillow, and started crying. "Y/N, I hate you the most," She told herself. She became numb for a moment, but the thoughts kept going on at her, and she fell asleep there. Yuna came to call her for lunch, but she saw her sleeping, so she wrapped her in a blanket and made her sleep well before going out. After some time, Taehyung He also came to see Y/N, but he saw her sleeping. He sat next to her and kissed her forehead, saying, "I love you." And go out, but Yuna comes and wakes her up to say she is going. Y/N is half asleep, but she hears what Yuna said. Sometimes her phone rings, and she remembers that she has to go.

Y/n: Sorry, Jimin, I fell asleep!

Jk: It's not Jimin, it's me...

Her words stop there, and she starts crying again. They both fall into silence, but the silence is screaming. Tears keep coming out.

Jk: I will pass... Phone to Jimin

Jimin: Are you ready?

Y/N: I fall asleep... Just give me 5 minutes and I will be ready.

She got ready quickly and went out. She saw the black car that Jungkook drove the first day they met, and the memory hit her. She took a deep breath and got into the car in the passenger seat. The whole ride is silent because each of them is dying inside. "How's your day?" Jimin asked, "Good!"" She said another lie: "And your jungkook."
"Like always" He looked at Y/N through the mirror and saw her red eyes. He feels hurt, but his eyes are also red. "Y/n?" Jungkook called, "Yes?"" She replied before he stopped. "Did you feel anything weird, like symptoms of pregnancy?" He asked her to become silent for a moment. "I always feel weird... I don't know if it's the symptoms of pregnancy or something else, but something new and weird is happening to me." She said this while looking at his eyes through the mirror, at which he is also staring. A mirror through eye contact. He moved his gaze quickly and said, "Oh." But Y/N keeps staring at him through the mirror. They get to the hospital y/n to meet the doctor. Jimin and Jungkook are waiting outside. They are both walking across in anxiety. Y/N came out while crying. "What happened? Why are you crying? Tell me " Jungkook said worriedly, "Say something." He asked again. "I am not pregnant." She burst into tears, and Jungkook also fell into darkness. His eyes are filled with tears. Thank God," Jimin said, but when he looks at Y/N Jungkook, he understands they're not happy. Jungkook suddenly hugged y/n tightly and said, "Don't leave me... Please. I don't know what to do without you. Please don't leave. I can't take it anymore... Let's run somewhere, and then everything will be fine. Please don't leave me. I will fall apart without " He started crying so much that she slowly hugged him back. "No use. It's how it's meant to be. We are helpless, Jungkook." She tapped at his shoulder. She closed her eyes tightly and bit her underlips. " Why? Why? " He kept asking her, and she became silent. Jimin's eyes also filled with tears. "Be strong, Jungkook; you are my strength; if you are weak, I will be the weakest. If I have another life, I will be yours in all of it.I do fight with God for that, but I know I am weak because he almost takes everything from me and almost wins." She started crying again. He hugged her more tightly, like they felt like their bodies were melting into each other. Sometimes, after they both gain strength and try their best to be strong, they break the hug. "Sorry for ruining your life." Yn said to him, "No. You didn't choose to be." He said she gave him a sad smile. He smiled back and whipped her tears: "How much you changed... I can't believe
My love who never cried is crying all the time these days...in front of everyone. "He try to act cool." Yeah.. I changed a lot. It's feel like a million years have passed. Now I am bravest because I am going to have the strength to cry. She also acts cool. I think we should go. It's become so emotional like a K-drama. Jimin said they both laughed a little and went out of the hospital and got into cars. They all go to buy something for Yuna, and they do. Jungkook stops the car in front of his house, and Jimin moves to the driving seat. Jungkook go out and smile at you with all sorrow and wave. She waved back, and he ran around and started walking to his house. She watched him go. Jimin let her see him. He is completely gone. She took a deep breath, and Jimin started driving. She looked out through the window at the sky. He dropped her in front of her house. She went directly to her room and ran off and started crying. Jimin also knows that she is going to cry. She holds the necklace that Jungkook gave her and starts crying like a kid. She never cried like this before, and before she knows it, she is crying more and more every day.
Omg I cried while writing this ... It's breaking my heart.

Thank you for reading have a nice day..


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