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She opens her eyes slowly and rubs her eyes, trying to scratch her body. Then she realizes she is completely naked and only wrapped around a blanket. That's when she remembers what happened yesterday. She blushes and covers her face with the blanket, feeling embarrassed. She sees her bed coffee is placed next to the bed. "Wow, he is really sweet husband material," she thinks as she drinks it and gets up from the bed. That's when she feels pain in her leg but still walks and looks for something to wear. That's when she sees his white shirt which he wore yesterday. She takes it from the floor, smells it, and wears it.
She goes downstairs and sees Jungkook cooking in the kitchen shirtless.

She goes downstairs and sees Jungkook cooking in the kitchen shirtless

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(Not him)

She slowly goes down without him knowing and hugs him from the back. "Good morning," he said. "What are you cooking, Daddy?" she said in a naughty tone. "Do you want to do it again?" he asked, teasing her. "No... I am already scared," she pouted. "Why? Love," he said while cooking. "What if... I... Get pregnant? We don't use protection, I'm worried," he turned around and grabbed her face. "Look, you can come to me if you are pregnant or not. I will be waiting for you. If you're pregnant, you have to come back no matter what because it's also my baby, and I have all the right to take responsibility as a dad, and I want to," he said, looking at her face. A smile appeared on her face, and she nodded. He kissed her forehead and went back to cooking. She hugged him again and asked with a smile, "Now what, angel?" "I just want to stick here. Your body is so warm and perfect for me... Let me stick with you until you leave... me..." she said like a cute girl, but the last words were hard to say and hear. They both fell into silence for a moment. "Do you know when was the first time you hugged me?" he asked. "15th May this year, evening, almost near 6 PM," he said like a rap. Her mind was stuck for a moment. "Yeah... Great... I am saying since that time I like the warmth in your body, in your touch... I didn't feel this before... I just want to stick here, wow," she said, rubbing her face on his back. "Then stick here until you feel warm enough," he said with a smile while cooking. "I don't think it will be enough in this life," she said while hugging him tightly. "I-I love you so much, Y/n," he said from the bottom of his heart. "I love you too, Jeon Jungkook... Can I ask for a favor?" As she said it, he turned around and looked into her eyes. "What?" he asked, panicking. "At first, stop. Sit down somewhere... In the balcony?" she nodded. He tried to break the hug but said, "Nooo... Please." He carried her on his back like this. "Let's go, my horse," she said, sounding like a kid. He laughed and took her upstairs like this. He made her sit on the floor, and as he sat, she hugged him again. He couldn't stop smiling once again. "Tell me, what now?" he said while petting her head. "You might be angry," she pouted. "Noo, never," he said while hugging her back. "Promise?" she said. "Yeah, yeah, promise. Okay, tell me what," he replied, and he expected, "Can you please only tell the truth about the questions I am going to ask?" His heart skipped a beat for a moment. "Can you..?" she asked again. "Yeah," he said, not confidently. "Okay... I have 5 questions, and you have to give me honest answers, okay?" she said, and he nodded. "Do you really love me?" she asked. "WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT.... I DO!!! VERY MUCH AND WITH ALL MY HEART," he gave the answer before she completed the question. "Okay... The next question is, why do you love me? Why did you choose me out of all these people?" his words stopped for a moment. "Because... Imagine you're standing in a garden, and every flower is white, and only one flower is purple, which is your favorite color. Which flower do you pick?" he asked. "Of course, the purple one," she said, sounding like a silly question. "That's why I love you and chose you only in this world," he broke the hug and looked into her eyes and said. "I-i get that, but I still don't know what you like about me... Yes!!!! I asked this question knowing that," she got shy and awkward. "Umm.... I also want to explain it to you... about everything before you leave me... Thank you for making it easy... let me tell you from the beginning... when I was a kid. I-i never knew what love... affection... nothing... My mom and dad didn't have enough time to make sure if I was sick or not... They used to be busy, very much... They only came home after months and contacted me once a week... That time, I really needed them like every kid... I cried every day when I went to the park with a bodyguard and saw kids playing with their parents... I had everything that could make those kids jealous, but I was more jealous... Somedays, I used to be so sick, like I couldn't get up from bed, but my mom didn't even call me... I went to the best doctor, but there was no one to give me medicine at the time... Isn't it too pity... The only thing they did to me was buy me everything I wanted, my needs and greed... Once, I asked one of the maids if my mom hated me. She said no, kid, she didn't hate you; she loves you but less than money and popularity, like everyone... It's not her fault. Everyone needs money... So, it's important... When I grew up, I saw it with my own eyes... My teacher made me the best student for the money... My classmates loved me because of that... People are ready to kill someone for the money I have... Girls are ready to lose their dignity and sleep with me for the money I have... Money, money, money... It buys me everything... But one thing is always left out, real love, real affection, which I never get, and I know money can't buy it... I want someone who is true... Because everyone seems so fake in front of me... Maybe they are... While growing up like this, I lost all my hope. I started hating everything I have... Then I met Jimin... The first person who said 'Jungkook, that kind boy... Not rich boy.' Since when I was born, I am only hearing 'Jungkook, the rich boy,' not kind, not lovely, only rich... Now I understand why I have become a beast, because no one said I am not... Jimin gives me hope that there will be someone who will understand me... Love me... He is always there for me... My sorrow changed to anger like everyone ... To relieve I started using alcohol and that kind of stuff then I met you... On a sunny day... I fell in love with you... When you said "It's not about money, it's about love and life. To whom I am saying people like you don't know anything else than money. Did you ever feel love?" You are right, I never felt love... And you are the one who I am waiting for, the person who wants love not money and values love not money... After that, I saw your face, I fell in love with you more deeply like I can't get out of it. For the first time, someone is arguing with me and for a street dog... So you can imagine how I feel for you... That's why I called you a purple flower in a white garden and a color I needed..." She pulls him closer and kisses him on the lips. "I don't have any other questions... And my dear... You are a good person and you will get the person you deserve... I am sure," she said it but it breaks his heart in a million pieces, but he didn't ask any questions. He just hides the pain with a fake smile. "Are you okay?" she asked him. He hugged her tightly all of a sudden like he waited for it all his life. She slowly hugged him back. "What happened?" she asked while petting his head. "Nothing," he wiped his tears and broke the hug and smiled at her. "Let's go downstairs, I am hungry."
She nodded. He held her hands and stood up, she followed him and they went downstairs. "I am going to take a bath... Ohh... I am taking this shirt with me... Okay?" she said. He smiled and nodded. "Ohh wait, did I make your body happy last night?"
He asked. "Happiest," she smiled and left. He laughed and went back to cooking with a broken heart. She changed her dress into what she wore for the office and came downstairs. He had already served the food and was waiting for her at the table. When she first saw his face, she felt like her heart was bleeding. She tried her best not to cry. She put on a fake smile and sat next to him. "It looks delicious, umm," she said it like nothing was bothering her. He gave her a plate and she started eating. There was a painful silence between them. He just looked at her with sad eyes and a painful smile.

"I don't want to let her go... But how can I stop her... I am just stuck... I want her but I can't hold her... How pathetic," he said to himself. "I want to be here with him, I want it so badly but how can I ask for that... It's cheating, I can't do that... I want to but I can't," she said to herself. The silence kept talking but suddenly she stood up. "I am done... Thank you for the meal," she said it like a kid. He just smiled at that. "You didn't eat at all... You said you were hungry," she asked him. "Ohh.. That... Are you ready... I am coming, give me a second."

After some time, he came downstairs with a painful emotion and face.

She is also dying. He faked a smile. "Let's go." She nodded and held his hands. He just looked at her. He felt he couldn't hold it in anymore, but he moved forward. They both got into the car. The entire ride was silent. They just said everything in looks and silence. He stopped in a park area at the place she lived. She looked at him with a painful smile. "Goodbye." She tried to get out of the car, but he held her hands. "Don't go, wait... Let me see you again." A tear dropped from his eyes. She turned around and tried her best not to cry, but seeing him crying also made her cry. They burst into tears and hugged each other and cried.
"Don't go... I am begging," he said while sobbing. "I have to," she said it like a heartless person. "I know it's hard and I can't say forget me, but I want to see you happy, so please move on and be happy with someone who is made for you," she teared up. "There's no one better than you for me... There is nothing better to come... Please stay with me," he begged. It broke her. "We just aren't meant to be... Jungkook, try to understand... Our destiny is not in our hands... It's also hard for me to imagine a life with another man... With all these memories... I swear I could never love him the way I do you... Because every time I look into his eyes, I see you..." They both kissed while crying. "Goodbye," she forced herself to say and came out of the hug and got out of the car. She looked at him through the window and smiled. He smiled back with tears. She walked forward without looking back and started crying. She couldn't hold it anymore. She got into the lift and burst into tears, screaming and breaking down. But suddenly, she saw Taehyung through the window with another man and beating someone, and that someone was Jungkook. She panicked and pressed the down floor button a million times. She reached the ground floor and ran to him. She didn't even know she was still on Earth. The only thought in her mind was to save Jungkook. Jungkook was sitting on his knees and getting beaten. He didn't even try to react. His lips were bleeding. Y/n ran to Taehyung, trying to stop him, but he didn't.
"Taehyung, stop! Enough!" she screamed out, never letting go of Taehyung's hands. He blankly looked at her. "He didn't do anything... It's my birthday, he just gave me a surprise! Taehyung, leave him!" she shouted. Taehyung got angry. "Wait... You want to leave him?" he asked with a red face. "Yes! I am begging! You're just being cruel for no reason!" She ran to Jin. "Oppa, take Taehyung with you... He didn't do anything... He is out of temper, please." Jin understood. He held Taehyung and forced him to go inside, even though Taehyung tried to refuse. The crowd was gone now. Y/n sat on her knees with Jungkook. "Please go... Somewhere... And be happy... I don't want to see you like this... Please... For the first time, do something for me... Please," she helped him stand up. "Please go," she begged him. He started crying again and slowly went to his car and drove away.

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