Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Mamma." I kissed her cheeks, then Mia's. I shook Sebastian's hand and watched Sofia give them all a small, timid wave before sitting next to me.

"Matteo. Sofia. I'm so glad you both could come." My mother beamed at Sofia.

"Thank you for inviting us, Mrs. D'Angelo."

My mother waved her hand at her, "Emilie." She corrected and I gave Sofia a knowing look, which she completely disregarded.

"How's married life treating you?" Sofia asked.

"It's great. I love it." Mia chirped and turned to look at Sebastian, who was already looking at her with an amused look on his face.

"You taking good care of my sister?"

"Por supuesto." He answered in Spanish and placed his arm over Mia, "Tell your brother I'm taking good care of you, mi corazon."

"Sebastian and I are fine. That's not why we're here. How are you and Sofia doing?"

"Is that why we're here? I thought we were here to eat. I'm starving." I said quickly, reaching for the menu.

"Sofia, how are you?" My mother asked.

"I'm fine, really."

"Matteo is treating you good?"

"Mamma." I protested.

"Your son is a gentleman and is very sweet."

Sebastian snorted. "Matteo? Sweet? You can't put those two words in a sentence."

"Vete a la mierda." I cursed at him in Spanish, then looked down at Sofia. "Mia tesora, I have a reputation to uphold. You can't be out here calling me sweet."

"Am I supposed to tell your mother and sister that you're an asshole?" She deadpanned.

"Asshole is more believable." Sebastian pointed out and I flipped him off.

"He used to be an asshole to me, but it comes and goes."

"Stop saying asshole." I muttered and handed her a menu, "Pick something. All of you pick your food and leave Sofia alone."

"What's good here?" She whispered to me.

"Their breakfast sandwich is pretty good."

"I've never had black truffle before, what does it taste like?" She asked, reading off the menu.

"It has like an Earth taste, very nutty, yet it sort of tastes like mushrooms," My mother answered, peeking at her through her menu.

"Would you like me to order for you, mia tesora?"

"Yes, please." She placed her menu down and smiled up at me gratefully.

My mother and Mia both ordered the soft scramble with the seasonal fruit parfait on the side. Sebastian and I ordered the smoked salmon platter with their homestyle potatoes on the side. I ordered Sofia their breakfast sandwich with a cinnamon bun pastry on the side.

"Can we also have three strawberry blonde cocktails?" Mia added last minute.

"What? I need a drink." Mia huffed after Sebastian, and I gave her a similar glaring look.

"You're a horrible drunk." Sebastian exclaimed, "You get all whiny and loud."

"For better or worse, Sebastian. This is my worse. Deal with it."

"How did you guys meet?" Sofia asked, looking between the two of them.

"Mia had a crush on me from the very first moment Matteo brought me around."

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