Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Here, mia tesora, drink this," I murmured as I held the glass of water to her mouth.

I helped her drink, then set it down by her bedside table where I had some painkillers placed for tomorrow morning.

I knew she'd wake up with a pounding headache from all that she drank today. She was quiet the rest of the way home, and as if remembering why she was crying, she cried once we got home.

I didn't ask her why. One because she was too drunk and two because I wanted us to have a sober conversation.

I helped her out of her clothes and into her pajamas. I washed her face, wiped off her makeup for her, and even brushed out her hair before carrying her into the bed. I enjoyed taking care of Sofia like this.

It wasn't an urge but a domestic desire to take care of her while she was drunk or sick. A responsibility almost that I only deemed myself fit for. Drunk or sober, I enjoyed being around Sofia.

Whether we were lounging around watching television or when we shared a cup of coffee in the backyard together early in the morning.

I enjoyed every moment we shared and every memory we created together over the past few months we've been together.

The more time we spent together, the more I grew attached to Sofia. At first, it was a routine, and then it took a while to get accustomed to each other, but now. I couldn't imagine living a single second on this Earth without Sofia.

I lived for the mornings we got ready together, where we brushed our teeth, and she'd flash me her teeth once they were clean.

Or whenever she helped me shave and how she'd kiss my lips every time, ignoring the shaving cream on my jaw and neck.

She'd giggle each time before finishing my face and then asking if she cut me. She never did. She was always so gentle and careful.

"Thank you." She whispered, "Are you going to lay with me?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Are you going to hold me in your arms?" She asked, her blue eyes shining while doing so.

I couldn't help but smile at her request. As if she had to ask me. All I wanted in this world was to hold her in my arms until my arms themselves withered away.

"Of course, mia tesora."

I saw her bottom lip tremble, and a tear fell down her cheek. My smile vanished, and I looked at her with wide eyes at the sudden change in emotion.

"Are you ever going to tell me you love me?"


Drunk Sofia was too vulnerable. Too sensitive. It was like alcohol unlocked a whole other different character. Drunk Sofia had her inhibitions stripped away and her insecurities on high alert.

Sober Sofia didn't give a shit, and she never pushed or asked questions like this. Drunk Sofia cried a lot and asked personal questions that made me want to tear my heart out of my chest and just offer it to her on a silver platter.

I don't think I even had an answer. I just stared at her while she stared at me, waiting for an answer that she knew deep down would never come.

I swallowed thickly at the emotion those dark ocean blue eyes gave me and leaned to wipe her tear off her cheek.

"I..." I couldn't even form a fucking sentence.

She moved her cheek away, and my hand dropped from her face. "Let's just go to sleep."

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