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Luella and Edward arrived back from hunting when they heard people. The blonde looked at her mate before walking into the house to see her family, minus Thomas and Bella. "You're here." She said. "Why?'

"Because we are a family and we are having us a wedding." Esme tells her. "Let's go get your dress and get you ready for tonight."

Luella smiled as she kissed Edward before walking away from him with Esme, Alice, and Rosalie. Jasper grabbed Luella who looked at him. "I'm sorry what happened to you. I didn't mean to turn you and I didn't know Thomas put you in front of me like that."

"Jasper, don't feel guilty because one way or another, Thomas will always put Bella first."

Jasper nodded as the girls left. "Why did I just hear a faint heartbeat?" Eleazar asked as he walked into the door.

"She carried human traits." Edward says. "She can eat, but she did discover something that shocked me." The men looked at him. "She puts animal blood in her food so it won't taste like dirt when she eats because she has days she wants food, but can't eat it much."

"So the blood gives it more flavor." Carlisle says. "What else is there?'

"Her gift is amazing." Eleazar says gaining Edward's attention. "I'm surprised she hasn't noticed it yet, but the girl can touch, say like Rosalie, and when Rosalie and Emmett become intimate, there might be a chance that she gets pregnant." Edward's eyes widened. "I'm surprised she's not pregnant."

Edward couldn't believe what he was hearing. They had sex since they left Forks, but not once has she showed any signs, but one. "The blood and the food could be a sign. She has been eating it like that a lot."

"Maybe she's pregnant and no one knows."

Emmett grabbed Edward. "If so, Rosalie will not leave."

"Oh joy."
Luella looked at the dresses till she found a black wedding dress. She grabbed it and went into the dressing room as the other girls looked around. "Where's Luella?" Rosalie asked.

"I'm right here." She said. "I found a dress that I hope I like."

Esme stood with Alice, Rosalie, Cameron, Kate, and Tanya as they waited. Luella didn't look in the mirror as she opened the door and walked out. Esme gasped causing them to look at the newborn. "It's perfect."


Cameron and Kate grabbed the blonde and showed her reflection. "Now what do you think?" Tanya asked.

Luella saw herself in the dress and smiled. She looked beautiful and black was always one of her favorite colors. Looking at the family in front of her, Luella Brady had one thing to say. "I love it." She said. "None of you didn't have to come here because of me. Edward was planning on eloping..."

"I refused to let that happen because Jasper promised to walk you."

"Alice, what happened wasn't his fault." Luella tells her. "Everything that happened was Thomas. He used me to protect Bella knowing that Jasper would feel even guiltier for biting me. Which he did. I was a distraction and apparently, in that idiot's head, the example that Jasper isn't in control, but I know he is." She sighed. "People need to think of his gift. The man feels every emotion and that's why I'm like I am today. Because he felt the hunger, but he didn't feed from me. One drop of my blood caused him to turn me."

"How did he know?" Tanya asked.

"The brother sister bond Luella and Jasper have." Cameron says. "I've been watching them before we left. You can see that she belongs to Edward, but she has the bond of a sister with Jasper. That's why I actually want to know you, you are very special, Luella."

"Thank you."

"Come on, we have to get you ready for your wedding tonight." Kate says. "I'm waiting for mine to come and thanks to you, I will not give up."

Luella smiled as she couldn't wait for tonight. She was finally marrying the man of her dreams. Edward Cullen.
Night came faster for the Cullens and Denali that even Edward was nervous. His soon to be wife will be walking down the isle to him to start their forever as husband and wife. "Nervous."

"Yeah." Edward said. "Any minute now and Jasper will be bringing Luella to me."

Thomas arrived causing Edward to growl. "I know you are pissed off for what I did, but I wanted to apologize."

"It's not me you should be apologizing to. It's Luella. The girl, my mate, that you used as a shield instead of protecting Bella yourself. Your hunger, along with ours, didn't help Jasper."

Luella and Jasper noticed Thomas as did the others. The wedding started, but Thomas was ruining it. "If he doesn't stop, I will never forgive him. I'm not ready to forgive you for what you did right now, but I will later on. Now you either let this wedding happen or I will never forgive you."

Thomas nodded as Edward looked at Luella and stared in shock at her beauty. "Dearly beloved..."

Luella and Edward Cullen shared as smile as they listened to someone they found to marry them. Thomas stood by Esme as he watched the wedding. His mind went back to Bella and wondered how she was doing. Luella kissed Edward causing Thomas to zone back into the wedding. "I now pronounce you man and wife."

Everyone cheered as Thomas once again left to think if he should go back to Bella.

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