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The sounds of a woman screaming in pain as she pushed. Edward held his wife's hand as she pushed. "No more after this one for a very long time."

"Baby, I don't think that would work." He says. "We are always in the bed..."

Luella growled at him, but the growl wasn't because she was pissed, the growl was because she rather be making love to Edward. Edward read her mind and chuckled. "I will get you back once we have our baby."

"Are you sure?"

Luella screamed one last time with one big push. Edward saw Carlisle hand the baby over to the nurse to clean her off. He smiled as he was handed his daughter. "She's perfect, baby."

He put the baby on her chest causing Luella to cry as she looked at her daughter. "You are so precious." She says. "It's been a long couple months, but I finally have you in my arms, Janette."

"She's perfect."

"That she is."

Luella thought of something and looked at Edward. "Do you think her mate is Rosalie's baby boy?"

Emmett walked over with his little boy as Rosalie also went into labor a few weeks early. Emmett handed Edward his son to see the babies staring at one another. "I think they are."

"Perfect." Was all Luella and Rosalie said.

Edward handed Bryson back to Emmett as he took his daughter as Luella dozed off. Edward looked at his wife and to his daughter smiling. "This life with no drama, no Thomas and Bella, it's perfect."

"That it is."

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