Chapter 15

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Aurora made her way to her friend's table and she could tell that their silence when she arrived would arouse an interrogation.

"Are you okay Aurora?" Lucy asked.

Aurora gave her usual smile, "I am."

"Yesterday you weren't your usual self and the way you left......." Evelyn added.

"I was tired, and needed to get home early yesterday. It's difficult traveling every day to the palace."

"Makes sense, but there seems to be something else that is bothering you," Ida added.

"I don't know what to say to that or how to make you all feel at ease."

"Is it Caspian?" Ella asked.


"You can tell us anything we are here for you if you need anything, you know that right?" said Barbara.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"You have been acting a bit strange ever since you were assigned Caspian, is there something bothering you?" this time it was Agnes.

Aurora did not know why her friends were beginning to grate on her nerves, she knew they came from a place of well-being and care but it was irritating the way they were pushing her to speak when she did not want to.

If she was ready she would tell them but as for now, she wanted to keep everything to herself without the added opinions that she did not want to hear as of currently.

"I know, and if something does arise I will let you all know."

"I hope you can trust us," Evelyn added and Aurora was tired of all of this, knowing her friends this would go on and on till she succumbed.

This time she stood up abruptly and they were all surprised by her sudden movement.

"Where are you going?" Lucy asked.

"I need to get ready to start my duties."

"There is still more than enough time before you start," Ida replied.

"I know, I have other things to do."

"Such as?" Ella asked.

"I can't say."

"Can't or won't?" Agnes asked.

"Both I suppose."

"Sit down and let's talk," Barbara asked.

"Excuse me."

Aurora dropped off her bowl and went to the forest and she resided down behind her huge tree where she often found comfort and peace.

Which seemed to be lacking recently in her life, she was going out of control and needed to be in control of her emotions before they took over her thinking capacity.

It was time for her to clean the chambers and was very relieved when she found Caspian not there. When she went to the kitchen she was summoned.

Aurora wanted to scream when she was told she would be serving Caspian during lunch outside by the courtyard.

She tidied herself up a bit more and when lunch came she was carrying grapes and the other servants were also carrying food.

She saw Lucy who smiled at her and she smiled back, Aurora went with the grapes and saw that Caspian was sitting next to Nadia and he was so smitten.

Why would he kiss her? Of course, it all meant nothing to him as he was used to having any woman at his beck and call.

She would forget everything and go back to being a lowly servant that was not noticed. She approached their table and could see they were deep in talk.

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