Chapter 66

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Nadia's parents arrived, and he, Nadia and his mother stood in the forefront as they were being welcomed.

"Caspian, we never thought we would see you again." Nadia's father held him at arms-length.

"It is wonderful to see you again Sir."

"No need for formalities, you are my son and I will make your father proud."

Nadia's mother came up to him and smiled, "Thank you coming back to Nadia, we do not know what would have happened if you would have not been able to return."

"Thank you, I see who Nadia takes after."

Greetings were exchanged and they all made it to the dining area that was prepared, and mead was served as everyone got comfortable.

"Before we all have a drink, I would love to raise a toast to my son Caspian who was given back to us and the time when he was most needed. A toast to Caspian."

They all raised their glasses after Nadia's father's speech, "Cheers."

The night set off, and there was so much chatter, the room was full of guests yet he felt alone, sad and the mead was not raising his spirits but rather taking him to the dumps.

All his mind was zoned on was Aurora and having to keep up with conversation and feigning interest was becoming difficult.

He had to play the part as they had travelled from far to come and see him so he could not be absent.

Nadia seemed extra cheery and his mother was smiling, everyone was truly happy. Platters were brought out with pork, fruits, bread and so much more delicacies.

He ate gratefully, after four years of being underfed he was going to be back to his normal self. The food melted in his mouth and he savoured it all the more.

It was strange that food also was a reminder to him that he was free, it had more to do with him being able to have it at any given time and he could control when he wanted it and what he wanted. He was not forced to go days without food, or having what Rurina could sneak for him, and being forced to eat whatever they wanted to give him, all this now guaranteed his freedom. He felt as if he had regained control on a great part of his life as the food bought the consequence of the body reacting to it.


Caspian turned to Nadia who was touching the side of his arm, "Are you alright?"

"Yes I am, why?"
"Well father asked you a question."

Caspian turned to Nadia's father, "My apologies my mind must have slipped."

"No need to apologize, being a new king does come with burdens at all times. How are you finding it?"

"It is hard, I do have trials and tribulations. There is so much to learn but they do say you learn as you go."

"Very true, you just came back so try to take it easy and ease your way back in. You will get the hang of it very soon. Your father did tell me you are a smart man."

"This is very much appreciated."

"If you need help, I am always here to guide you."

"Thank you father."

"Enough about all this, let's drink and have a merry evening." Nadia's father replied.

"I was thinking that we could go horse riding soon, we loved it." Nadia said to him.

"That would be wonderful."

"Do you remember when we were getting to know each other we went, and you still owe me a rematch."

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