Chapter 55

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Aurora sat by her chambers, she smiled remembering how Caspian had stood up for her. He had gone against his parents for a mere nobody such as herself.

She could not lie that the words from his parents hadn't hurt her, even though they were true. She was a lowly maid and for her to be in the presence of the king and queen was something she never thought would happen in her wildest dreams.

The love making afterward made her blush, it was all the more special after the dinner, as it showed her how much Caspian loved her.

She gave all herself to him fully in that moment, now there were no regrets and nothing could hold her back from being with her love.

Aurora bit her lip, she needed to organize a special event for her and Caspian so that she could prophesy her love to him.

She knew that he wanted her to say those words but at her own time and accord, now she had no doubts about their relationship.

The day was beautiful and she decided to take a walk. The breeze was lovely, the sky was blue. She made her way to Elliot.

When she got to the stables, "Elliot!"

"I can hear you, there is no use in ignoring me!"

She wondered why he was not answering and she got a surprise when Caspian and Elliot walked out with a horse.

She laughed lightly, this was not what she was expecting at all. Yet her mood lifted more when Caspian came out.

He looked amazing in his horse-riding outfit, and couldn't help but to look him over.

"It seems as if you and Elliot are on very good terms."

"What brings you by?"

"I have a horse riding session currently, you do know my work is not just to sit by reading scrolls all the time."

"Ah, makes sense, I will watch you then."

"Why not get a horse and we will ride side by side." Caspian replied.

"I'm afraid I can't."

"Why not?"

"I don't know how to ride a horse, Elliot said he would teach me."

"Why didn't you ask me? I would have loved to teach you."

Aurora had not thought of asking Caspian as Elliot was the one who had said he would teach her how to ride a horse, so it was always engrained in her that Elliot would be the one to teach her.

"It never crossed my mind and Elliot said he would teach me."

"Is that so?" Caspian replied in a low voice.

Aurora nodded, "Yes."

"You are quite bold Elliot, to be courting a woman that is already taken by the prince."

"Caspian stop teasing him."

"It's the truth."

"Don't confuse Elliot's kindness to something that is not there. If your intention is for us to be jittery around each other, that will not work."

"Do you want to start lessons now?" finally Elliot spoke.

"I would..........................."

Before she could respond, Caspian had taken over, "She will ride with me today."

Aurora was more than excited to be riding with Caspian, she turned to Elliot, "I will be back and we can chat then."

Elliot nodded, "I will be waiting."

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