Chapter 68

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Caspian waited for Douglas to come with Aurora's friends, he could not go himself as that would raise a lot of speculation.

It might also reach his mother and Nadia's ear, he heard the door open as Douglas led them in, when they saw him they all seemed to be frightened.

"You may leave," Caspian said to Douglas as he went out.

"You all don't have to be anxious, I did not call you all to berate nor to punish you. I wanted to ask about Aurora, and you all don't have to keep your heads down, you may look at me."

He could see them lift their heads, and their hands were clasped in front of them,

"I wanted to ask if you knew where Aurora might be?"

They all shook their heads in unison,

"Do you have any idea where she could have gone to?"

"No, My Lord, before she left, she was ordered to not speak nor see us."

"Who ordered you to do so?"

They all were silent at his question and he knew that they were probably afraid if word got out they would get punished.

"You do not have to fear anything," Caspian assured them.

"We are not so sure but it had to be a royalty with much power to be able to send out such a decree."

"Has Aurora ever told you where she might go?"

"No, My Lord, she just like all of us don't dream beyond the palace walls as our lives are dedicated to serving here."

Caspian sighed, he was not getting any information and he pushed down the feeling of being despondent.

"Did she say anything about me?"

"She loved you wholeheartedly My Lord, and the last time we saw her she was heartbroken that you had not made your way back to her."

"I'm sure you all miss her too." Caspian could see the hurt on their faces, and he could see her departure had taken a toll on them too.

"We do My Lord, we miss her dearly."

"I will make sure to bring her back."

"The heavens have answered our prayers, we have been praying for your return so you could bring her back to us."

"I will find her, no matter the cost."

Caspian made his way back and he found himself on the path that he and Aurora had taken so many times before.

Whisps of hair would be going with the wind, her eyes, and then her smile but all that he could not remember.

Her scent was now replaced by the wind, How he wished he could go back to that moment, back in time.

He wanted to come back and hear her tell him she loved him. Caspian felt as if he had not gotten enough time to hear her say those words plenty of times.


Caspian stopped and he turned, Rurina was running towards him, she got to him and was breathing heavily.

"You don't have to run."

"I know but I haven't seen you in a while, have you forgotten about your dear concubine."

Caspian chuckled, "Of course not, I have a lot of duties after becoming the king."

"Do you need anything?" Rurina asked.

"No, I have everything and the kingdom under my feet."

"Not in that way, you seem sad, I thought coming back here would make you joyful once more."

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