Chapter 69

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Evening came and Caspian lay on his bed, but sleep alluded him. He could not find a sweet spot on the bed. He kept on turning but he was not finding a comfortable position.

He was not finding it, he got up and got dressed. He went outside and he went back to the forest path that he walked with Aurora.

The moon was full tonight and it cast soft light, the breeze was warm, how he would love to walk with Aurora during this moment, he wanted to share it with her.

He remembered her words, as long as they were under the same moon they would find their way back to each other.

He stood in the middle of the forest, he would never forget the moment when he had turned and saw Aurora walking down to him.

Caspian came to realization that he knew where Aurora might be, why had he not thought of it earlier. He went raced back to his chambers and he took out a scroll, he was going to leave soon to go find her.

He prayed that she would be where he thought she was. The next morning Caspian summoned Douglas to be bought in.

"What happened?" Douglas asked as he made his way into his chambers.

"I might have an idea where Aurora might be."
"How do you know this? Did you find something?"

"No, but I remember the first time that Aurora had left, she came back and during one of the nights together, she told me where she had gone and how free she felt."

"That could be a lead, but what if she is not there?"

"I have to take a chance, I won't know unless I try."

"Why not send guards to go check and if she is there, they can bring her back and you would be safe."

"No, I want to find her myself, and with regards to safety no-one would know."

"You have to be careful Caspian, the kingdom can't afford to lose another king, and there is no heir."

"I'm astounded that you are giving me your blessing."

"There is no stopping you is there Caspian? I know how much Aurora means to you and if I were in the same situation, I would go and find my wife."

"I appreciate it Douglas."

"When are you planning to set off?"

"Tomorrow at dawn."

"Are you taking guards?"

"No, I'm not."

"Won't you be putting your life at risk?"

"I can't trust anyone besides you and Rurina, I know I'm being watched."

"How will you leave without being spotted."

"That's were you come in, you will come in here in a cloak and I will come out in your attire with a cloak, pretending to be you."

"I hope this works, are you sure about going alone?"

"I'm taking Rurina with me."

"Are you worried about her being alone here?"

"Not necessarily, she wants to come and I can't refuse her as we have travelled together."

"Noted, well you have to prepare for the journey, I will leave you to it."

"I need you to prepare two horses for me and have them wait outside the palace as I would raise suspicion if I did."


Caspian had to get everything ready, when Douglas left he summoned Rurina, and sent the servants to get him a lot of food under the guise of him thanking Rurina for rescuing him.

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