Chapter 29

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Aurora put some of the wood and the fire became bigger and stronger, and she sat down by the log, Elliot plummeted beside her.

The fire was magical,

"We need to bathe." One of the men stated.

"There is a lake close by," Douglas replied.

They all nodded and started getting up, Aurora did not know what she should do nor how she should respond.

Would it be fine if she joined them? Probably not, she would have to bathe when everyone else was sleeping.

She started to clean the mess that was left behind, when she was done Aurora sat by the fire and she liked the way it cackled.

After an hour had gone by all the men had come one by one and they sat by the fire to warm themselves up.

Elliot was also back and he was shivering a bit, they all spoke for hours to come, and when everyone had finally dispensed as they felt tired and went to bed.

She took her bathing stuff and headed to the waterfall rather than the lake. She stripped on the rock overlying the water.

She was left with her undergarments, she stood on the rock and the moon was full tonight and the water glistening.

She would swim over to the waterfall after jumping in. Aurora let her hair down and stood at the edge of the rock.

She closed her eyes and took in the moon.

"What are you doing?"

Aurora got such a fright that she lost her balance on the rock and splashed in the water, when she came up it was Caspian in just a loincloth.

He had come from underneath the waterfall.

"I didn't mean to frighten you." Caspian carried on.
"I thought you bathed earlier on."

"I didn't I want to do it in peace and quiet and most of all by a waterfall."

Aurora nodded, and she started to swim dousing her hair.

"Your hair looks magical under the moonlight."

"Thank you, My Lord."

When she finally got to the waterfall it was nice at first until the water started to drown her. Should she ask for help or that would be embarrassing?

Aurora felt a hand clutch her elbow and she was pulled into Caspian's bare arms. She wanted to push off his arms but she did need to take a bit of a break.

When she had caught her breath she went to the part of the water where she could touch the bottom of water and most of her body was still covered in water. She looked at the full moon, it was very beautiful when would she ever get the chance to feel this free and be here?

All she had known all her life was the palace and eerie places.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Aurora jumped a bit, "Yes My Lord."

She tried not to tremble but the water was getting colder by the minute. She felt Caspian's arms go around her from the back and he was looking at the moon through her neck.

She could feel his warm breath, and his body on hers not only provided heat but showed her the differences between what made him male and her female.

This was a memory that she would never forget, her heart ached a bit, being under his arms and the moon so beautiful, this was a memory she would take to the grave.

"What are you thinking about Aurora?"

"This moment is beautiful." She said it lightly more to herself than to him.

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