Baseball time

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Hatori POV:

Me and Nagisa are with Sugino watching Korosenei while hiding to make an assassination attempt.

"There he is , chilling out back before first bell, not a care in the world. Reading a Hawaiian newspaper casually picked up from Hawaii on the way here." Sugino whispers then turns to us "nice good work Nagisa, thanks I owe you one" he complements Nagisa

"Your welcome" Nagisa replies

"Good luck Sugino" I say and give him a thumbs up

Sugino smiles and holds up a baseballs covered in anti-sensei BBs "Ten billion big here I come" he says .

I watch as Sugino reeled back his stance and lifted his leg for a pitching. Sugino than hopped a bit and threw the ball by an insanely fast pace for the normal human eye.

But as expected it wasn't fast fast enough.

"Top of the morning to you! It's usually considered polite to reply" Korosensei greeted as he stood suddenly behind us .

The three of us were shocked by his sudden appearance. "Good morning Korosensei" I say while looking at him with wide eyes.

'Even until now I'm still not used to him appearing out of nowhere' I think.

"Uh.. Yes,sir Sorry sir" Nagisa stuttered as Sugino was shocked and kept looking back and forth between Koro-sensei's last spot and here.

"A baseball embedded with government-issue anti-me BB's? Creative! Points for choosing a method of delivery quieter than the pop of a standard air rifle." Koro-sensei complemented, "Unfortunately, once airborne the weapon gave me nothing but time, ample opportunity in fact ,to organize a defensive maneuver. A quick visit to the equipment room and ta-da!"

Koro-sensei showed us the ball in held in a baseball glove, "I had pardon the pun a handy solution."

Nagisa and Sugino were shocked that Koro-sensei had that much time to do so much even though the ball was so fast from Sugino's pitch.

I deadpanned at the sight of the glove 'I don't know if I should be surprised or just used to it at this point'

Korosensei face had green stripes again "Tick-tock children, graduation will be here before you know it." He says cockily and walks to the building as the bell rings. "Right then. Homeroom if you would please."

Sugino sighs looking down "yes sir , Damn it. Well, so much for my fastball , big shock there I guess"

"It was a good throw" Nagisa says. "Yeah plus if korosensei wasn't moving at Mach 20 it could've hit" I try to reassure him.

Sugino just sighs looking disappointed in himself.

"April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead lands

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"April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead lands..." Korosensei began reading. I heard Kayano and Nagisa talking about how our attempt with Sugino this morning didn't work.

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