Test time

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Hatori POV:
It was nearly midterms, and when I arrived at school it seems Korosensei is very hyped about it.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Korosensei said as he began rapidly moving around the front of the room.

"Begin what exactly?" A few of my classmates asked with a blank face.

"Studying for midterms of course! I'll be making this period a high speed, enhanced, midterm study hall!" Doubles wearing headbands appeared in front of our desks "My doubles will provide special one on one attention, drilling everyone individually on areas where you need improvement most!" Korosensei explained.

"Man, this is balls he's seriously got to wear a different headband for each subject" Terasaka as usual starts to complain especially when he saw which headband he got "give me a break man!  Naruto's not even on the test!".

I was focusing on improving in science since it's my lowest out of the main subjects.

'I wonder how come he doesn't get tired I mean 6 doubles for Japanese, 8 doubles for math, 3 for social studies, 5 for science, 4 for English and 1 for Naruto, I mean isn't that a lot even for him?' I ask in my head.

Suddenly, Korosensei's face squished in a bit on his left side.

"Knife down Karma! No sneak attacks during study hall! This is very difficult so try not to disrupt my concentration!" Korosensei scolded, though his voice sounded a bit odd since it was coming from all his doubles as well.

Karma had his knife sticking up in the air with his tongue sticking out as if to mock our teacher.

'Typical Karma' I giggled.

Though I appreciate the help the movement from Korosensei was making me a bit dizzy so I try to not look directly at him while still focusing on my science studies.

'I hope everything goes well , with our school you should always expect the unexpected' I think in worry.

'I hope everything goes well , with our school you should always expect the unexpected' I think in worry

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The next day, Korosensei greeted us like usual.

‎"‏Good morning everyone! As you might guess, today I thought I'd make even more of me!" Korosensei announces.

"This is getting ridiculous" I whisper to Nagisa with a blank face and he nods in agreement.

Korosensei even wore costumes to match with each subjects.

"Thinking caps on, let's begin."

'His copies started to look more sloppy, did something happen to rile him?' I think in my head 'Either way, it's a little overwhelming ,but hey at least it helps with studying' I finish my train of thought and focus back on studying.

"Uh hey Korosensei no offense but isn't this gonna wear you out?" Kayano asked.

"Wear me out? P'shaw!" Korosensei.

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