107.0: New Cases With New Problems

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A/N: This chapter is based on 8x11 Perennials

ALSO: The time line in the cases will be changed from here on out to match with my plot line. This case is set to be around December, but it's around March for my plot :)

"Sometimes, things need to change, because there just isn't any way for them to stay the same."
― Jay Crownover

Crystal rubbed Jack's head and smiled, his sleepover had been cut short over the weekend since one of his friends had thrown up. It was suspected food poisoning, but Crystal thinks it might be the flu with how she was starting to feel under the weather. "When your friend gets all better, I promise you can go have another sleepover." Jack sighed at this, "Okay, but do you feel okay?" She smiled and patted his head, Hotch was grabbing all of them ice cream in the kitchen. "I feel fine bud, don't worry about me."

"Sorry I got you sick."

"You don't have to apologize bud, and I'm sure it's just a light cold." Crystal assured and couldn't help but coo over him, she still saw him as the adorable 5 year old in her eyes even with him being 8 and going on 9 now. Hotch walked over to them and set the bowls down, "Alright, banana for Jack, chocolate for me, and apple for Crystal." Jack took his bowl happily and Crystal took hers, she ate hers happily and Hotch sat next to them. "Don't be too bummed out buddy, we could always go have fun."

Jack perked up at this and Crystal smiled as she rubbed her head, a headache was forming and her body was a bit sore. Hopefully she started to feel better soon, she didn't want to call out of work for being down with a cold. Hotch noticed and replaced her hand with his, he gently massaged it after putting his bowl down. "Maybe we should go get you a doctor?"

"I'll be fine, I'll take a painkiller or something." She assured and ate another bite of her ice cream, "I'll use less apples next time I make this, I can smell it before I even take a bite." Hotch chuckled at this, "At least you'll be able to tell what it is if you ever forget." They all finished their ice cream before heading out to the park, it was a rare weekend where a case didn't take them away. Crystal's birthday would be coming up within the week, and she was hoping she'd be able to spend it not on a case since Jack wanted to make her a cake that she was supposed to not know about. It was a surprise gift for her, and it was sweet while also funny to see how both him and Hotch couldn't keep a secret.

Jess had laughed when she told her about knowing, "How did you find out?" Crystal snorted and smiled fondly at the thought of the father and son, "I found the ingredients to make my favorite cake in the closet, and I know I didn't buy them."

"Could be a coincidence."

"I also found candle letters that spell 'Happy Birthday Crystal'." They both laughed at this and she sighed, they were too good to her. It was late at night now and Jack was just put to bed, Crystal was reading in their bed when Hotch went to lay next to her. "You sure you're feeling okay?"

Crystal smiled and nodded, "I feel fine, Hotch. Probably just the weather change as well, nothing to worry about."

"Does that mean we can have our alone time now?" He teased and she laughed quietly as he kissed her, she let him push her to lie down on her back as he towered over her. Their lips connected again and she couldn't fight off the smile on her lips.

Of course this is what he's thinking about.


Monday rolled around and Crystal was feeling slightly better, her headache wasn't really there anymore. Her body was still sore and sometimes her stomach was felt like it was cramping, it would be her luck to get sick and then also get her period. Hotch had still been worried, especially with her stomach now starting to cramp a bit, but she assured him she was fine. "It's nothing serious, Aaron. No need for a doctor's visit until I'm on the floor dying. Besides, I could always ask Nick for some input." He didn't appreciate her joke, but agreed to not see the doctor just yet. Hotch and her parted ways once they exited the elevator, "Come get me if you feel worse, okay?" She smiled and kissed him before letting him leave, she finished her bottle of apple juice that he insisted on buying for her. "It's so your sugar levels stay up."

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