5.0: Case Closed

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"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
― Albert Einstein

"What's the game plan?" Morgan asked as he drove behind the car with Rossi, Emily and Hotch. "We need to make sure that Riley and Savannah are safe, Morgan you and JJ infiltrate from the back to see if you can somehow get inside to remove the girls from the house, Dave and Prentiss will be outside the door if things go south, Archer and Reid will walk around the perimeter just in case they try to make a run for it, and I'll try to talk them out." Hotch said over the phone, he wanted to do this quickly and quietly to ensure the safety of the girls.

They all arrived at the house and split up to their designations, but before they can they are interrupted by the detective and police officers from the station with their sirens on. "Detective what do you think you are doing?" Hotch glared at the detective when he tried to step around him, "This is my town and I won't just stand here and watch those two maniacs do this. Get ready guys we're storming in there."

The detective tried to walk around Hotch again, but Morgan stepped in his way. "Detective I understand your frustration, but if you do that those two girls will die. Jonny and his mom most likely understand that one way or another this isn't going to end well, so they might do something to those girls if they feel cornered. Let us handle this and do our jobs, tell your men to stand down."

Hotch stated as the rest of the team went to block the officers trying to get past Hotch and Morgan. "The quicker you agree the quicker we can save the girls." Rossi calmly said, this got the detective to sigh and signaled for the other officers to stand down. 

"You guys better know what you're doing. FBI or not I won't let you guys get away with this if those girls die." The detective stepped back a bit for the team to have some space, "You have nothing to fear detective, you're working with the best." Crystal said as she tightened her ponytail, this caused Morgan to smile since she was quoting him from the jet.

"Do you have a megaphone detective? I'm going to try and negotiate with Jonny and Mrs. Mitchell to let the girls go." The detective nodded and headed to his car to bring one back to Hotch, "Get to your positions everyone, they most likely know we are here now." Crystal and Reid headed to the sides of the house, "We should split up, you take one side and I'll take the other so we can cover more ground." Crystal was gonna leave until Reid stopped her, "Let's not, bad experience with splitting up."

Crystal just nodded, it wasn't her place to ask what happened and she didn't want to bring anything up that he didn't want to talk about. "Then we'll circle both sides together." Reid and Crystal started walking the perimeter around the house when they heard Hotch from the front trying to negotiate.

"Jonny Mitchell and Mable Mitchell, FBI! We just wanna talk, can you do that?"

They could hear some shuffling by a window, they both raised their weapons just in case someone was trying to escape. It was silent for awhile, nothing happened and no one spoke. After a moment of silence there was some shuffling again and then Crystal and Reid heard what sounded like a door opening. They both walked slowly near the front of the house to make sure that they weren't seen, "We already stated our demands, did you get the money so soon?" The person talking was male.


"We don't have the money Jonny, we both know that this was never about the money."

"What do you know? This is about money and nothing else!" 

"That's not it Jonny, my name is Aaron Hotchner and I'm an FBI agent with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I just want to make sure you're okay along with your mom, Savannah, and Riley. We know you don't care about the money Jonny, you want to get back at your dad correct?"

Change My Mind ~ Criminal Minds (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Where stories live. Discover now