55.0: Past Scars

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A/N: This case is really rushed because I'm trying to work fast (sorry if you were expecting a detailed case!)



"The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change, and we must move ever forward or the soul will wither and die."
― Susanna Kearsley

Crystal and Hotch entered the hospital quickly and asked for the victims room, the doctor lead them over. "He's in and out of it at the moment."

"We won't be long." Hotch stated and the doctor nodded before entering the room, there laid an older gentleman and the doctor quietly spoke to him. "Mr. Turner? There's people from the FBI here to talk to you, can you speak with them?"

The man shifted a bit before opening his eyes, he looked over at Hotch and Crystal. Hotch walked over to him, "I'm Agent Hotchner, this is Agent Archer. Can you tell us who did this to you?"

The man groaned quietly and Crystal walked over, "Can you blink once for 'yes' and twice for 'no'?"


"Do you know who did this to you?"

Blink Blink

"Did you see who attacked you?"

Blink Blink

"Did this person say something to you?"


"Did it sound like a man?"

Blink Blink

"A woman?"

Blink Blink

Crystal frowned and looked over at Hotch, Hotch looked puzzled before he cleared his throat. "Was the person who attacked you young?"


"Their voice sounded young like a child?"

Blink Blink

"Young like a teenager?"


"A teenage boy?"


The man started to gasp for air and the doctor ushered them out, "That's enough, he might hurt himself from his injuries." Hotch and Crystal walked back to the SUV as Hotch called Morgan, "Morgan, we think our unsub's a teenage boy."


They were back at the station looking at the board, Crystal took a bite of her fries as she listened to Morgan. "Crime scene shows no sign of blood."

"Autopsy shows that they most likely died out there though, particles found in their lungs match." Seaver stated and Morgan sighed, "Which means that our unsub is organized to not leave any blood, but disorganized enough to be sloppy with the killing."

"Fits the profile of a teenage boy." Rossi said as he took a sip of his drink, "Has Garcia been able to connect the victims?"

"Not yet," Crystal said, "But Abby told me that her mom has a dog who's protective of her, he wouldn't let anyone near the house that was a threat."

"Most likely means the dog recognized the unsub if he did break in." Morgan said and Reid shrugged, "Or she willingly walked out with the unsub, could've used a ruse to get her to go with him. Did the victim at the hospital say anything?"

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