78.0: It's An Archer Thing

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A/N: This story is based on 7x16 Family Affairs and there's some time gaps in this chapter from the morning after Valentine's Day, Friday night, to the next week


"Some of the most beautiful things we have in life comes from our mistakes."
― Surgeo Bell

Crystal woke up and saw Nick rubbing his head, she smiled. "Good morning drunky."

"I feel dead."

"You look dead." Crystal laughed and went to her kitchen to make him some coffee, she had bought some since Hotch came over still for ice cream nights and he didn't like tea. Crystal stirred it and brought it over to Nick who took it with a sigh, "Sorry for crashing here."

"Nicky, you're my annoying younger brother. You're welcomed here anytime," Crystal said softly, "Everything okay?" Nick sipped his coffee and put it down, he looked at his hands. "I ran into Danielle."

"Danni? I thought she moved." Crystal frowned, Danielle was Nick's ex and she didn't know the details but apparently it didn't end good. Nick chuckled bitterly, "I did too....but she was at the bar with some guy and she had the nerve to come up to me and ask if I'd ever give her another chance."

Crystal sat next to Nick and sighed, "Looks like there's something in the air for our ex's finding us." Nick leaned his head against her shoulder, Crystal gently rubbed his back. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"She cheated on me Chris...I spent 3 years with her and we didn't have any problems, she just decided one day that she wanted to sleep with another guy. I think that's what's killing me about our relationship, I asked what I did for her to cheat and she just....she said there was nothing wrong, she just wanted to do it." Nick's voice broke and he cleared his throat, "I'm not in love with her or anything still."

"I know."

"It just hurts."

"I know Nick."

"She chose to do that, she chose to...."

Crystal turned and looked at Nick, his eyes were glazed and she gently held his face. "Nick, you don't have to explain it to me. You can still be hurt and in pain from someone, that doesn't make you in love with them. I'm not in love with Ben or have anymore feelings for him but I'm still haunted by what he did and that's normal. Just because someone left a scar on you doesn't mean they still own your heart, you fixed yourself up and you can heal that scar."

Nick nodded and sighed, "I don't think relationships are for Archers." Crystal laughed and hummed, "It's a struggle for us with relationships, getting your heartbroken before finding the one is an Archer thing." Nick smiled sadly, "Yeah, I think it is."

"Are you ever going to ask Megan out?" Crystal asked and Nick looked at her shocked, "How did-"

"I'm a profiler Nicky, you stare at her way to much."

"That's rich coming from you Chris." Nick chuckled, "I don't know, she might not be into me." Crystal rolled her eyes, "Nick, trust me. She's really into you."

Crystal dropped Nick off at the bar for him to grab his car, she kissed his cheek really quick when she hugged him and ruffled his hair after he let go. "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'm not going to see Danielle though."

"No judgment from me, I've avoided Ben like the plague." Crystal smiled and waved goodbye before getting back in her car to drive to the BAU, when she arrived she looked suspiciously at Reid who was sitting at her desk. "Hi."

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