7.0: Wild Night & Sweet Treats

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"It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform."
― Roy T. Bennett

Crystal has had an interesting second day, she got all her work done even with the teams hilarious antics. All day the team had been watching her closely whenever Hotch exited his office to see if he went to her desk, if it was him getting up to go somewhere else or if he went to get some coffee. Hotch never talked to her during his time out of his office, but that didn't stop the team from staring.

It was really hard to hide her smile the whole day, especially since Garcia went to her desk a lot that day to see if anything interesting had happened.

"So how's your day been?"

"Same as the last time you asked 30 minutes ago Garcia, uneventful except for when you come see me."

"Any special visitors?"

"Are we counting you?"

Garcia laughed at that and looked at Reid, "Is she telling the truth?" Reid looked up from his file, "No one but you has came to see her nonstop." He stated with a shrug and went back to work, Garcia groaned.

Morgan came over to see what the fuss was about, "What's wrong with you baby girl? Why the long face?" Garcia leaned into Morgan, "I was expecting you know who to come visit this lovely woman, but apparently that hasn't happened."

Morgan chuckled, "Have you tried thinking that maybe he couldn't come see her even if he wanted to because you've been at her desk basically all day?" Garcia looked at Morgan silently for a couple seconds before putting her hand over her mouth, "Derek Morgan you are so right! I will leave you alone now Crystal, see you later. Reid! Tell me if you know who visits!" 

With that said Garcia turned around and quickly walked away, Crystal shook her head with a smile. She shot Morgan a look, "What? I didn't do anything, I just got here."

"You know who?"

"I have no idea who you are talking about."

Crystal playfully rolled her eyes, she knew who they were talking about since they have been watching Hotch like a hawk. Morgan made his way over to Emily's desk, "Well played Morgan, totally played that off." Emily mocked as he chuckled at her comment, Reid turned to look at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Play what off?" Morgan looked over at him, "You're not serious, right?"

Reid looked at him confused, "Are you talking about the fact that all day you guys have been watching to see if Hotch comes over to talk to Archer?"

Emily chuckled, "You haven't?" Reid shook his head, "No, I've been preoccupied with thoughts about this new documentary coming out about the different elements of a certain-"

"Okay that's amazing Reid, but you seriously haven't been curious if Hotch would come talk to Archer about anything interesting?" Morgan interrupted before Reid could get them off topic. 

Reid just shrugged, "Not really, I've been really excited to see this documentary next week." Crystal smiled as she turned herself to face them, "Well I hope you enjoy your documentary Dr. Reid, I'm glad one of my coworkers hasn't been staring at me all day." 

Emily just smiled, "We weren't staring, just observing." Crystal nodded, "Sure, observing what specifically?"

Morgan just tilted his head, "Nothing in particular, but it seems a certain someone has decided to come out." Morgan stated with a smile as he looked behind her, Crystal turned back around to see Hotch standing there with a raised eyebrow. She shot him a quick smile and he gave her a little nod, "Is everything alright Agent Archer?"

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