76.0: Unwanted Visitors & Possible Dates

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A/N: Continuation of 7x12 Unknown Subject and then right into 7x14 Closing Time



"It was long since I had longed for anything and the effect on me was horrible."
― Samuel Beckett

Crystal had an eventful night playing poker with Jason and Amy, "Are you cheating Chris?", she was still feeling really tired and not the best. Hotch hadn't called again and she didn't want to bother him, he was probably busy with the case.

Crystal yawned as she walked into the living room to see Jason and Amy sleeping on her couch, she smiled at them and walked to her kitchen.

Reminds me of when Hotch and I slept on his couch.

Crystal looked at her clock, it was almost noon and she was hungry. Crystal opened her fridge while humming, she grabbed an applesauce cup and then grabbed a glass to pour herself some water.

Crystal's phone rang and grabbed it to put it on speaker, "Archer."

"It's girl wonder, are you okay?"

"Depends on your definition of okay."

"Not feeling good still?"

"I feel like I got ran over by a truck, must be the bad weather." Crystal answered and Garcia nervously tapped her pen.

"Are you....coming into the office today?"

"No, I can barely stand. Why?"

"You...have a visitor that we're trying to deal with right now."

Crystal frowned, "Who?"

"Uh judging from the bouquet of blue irises, I'm guessing it's Ben."

Crystal dropped her glass and it shattered on the floor, Jason and Amy jumped from the couch and looked around before finding her in the kitchen. "Babe! What-"

"Kick him out Garcia."

"Anderson is trying, he keeps telling him that he's got the wrong place but he won't leave and Anderson's getting pissed. We don't know what to do."

"Get him out of there, is he at my desk?"

"He was sitting there but Anderson made him stand away from it, he saw your picture on your desk and won't leave."

Crystal started to hyperventilate and she stumbled a bit, she felt something wet run down her thigh.

I can't breath and I think a shard of glass cut my leg.

"Chris!" Jason ran over and grabbed a rag to carefully pick up the glass, luckily there were only a few shards. "Chris, you're bleeding. What happened?"

"Ben, he's at the BAU." Crystal whispered and she grabbed the counter as her head started to spin, "Jason..I-"

Crystal fell to the floor and Jason quickly lifted her up, "Crystal! Open your eyes right now!" Jason quickly picked her up bridal-style and Amy returned with a wet rag and put it on her forehead, "She's burning up Jace."

"Oh God, do I need to call an ambulance?"

"No, I'm taking my sister to see Nick. We need to go, now." Jason replied and hung up on a panicked Garcia who was close to tears, she quickly called Hotch.


Hotch's phone rang and put it on speaker for the whole team, "Did you find something Garcia?"

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