21: Doubtful

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung groggily opened his eyes only to find himself alone on the bed, once again. Adjusting to the darkness of the cabin, he tried to look for the older but couldn't find him.

Where did he go at this hour?

A surge of curiosity mixed with worry, bubbled up in his mind causing him to stand up to limp towards the other side. Another thing to worry about, the torch wasn't there.

Just when he thought to go and check the bathroom, a small rattling sound caught his attention, making him jump in slight fright. 

"Wh- who is there?" His throat felt a bit better but the voice was not so clear yet. When his words went deaf ears, he gulped and looked around to find any sort of shield or weapon for his safety.

Licking his dry lips, he opened the bathroom door to find it empty and dark.

Where are you, hyung?

The question started to make him uncomfortable and afraid, but he just wanted to overcome that and find the other. While taking a turn towards the bed, his gaze fell on the loosely hanging lock on the other door.

The presence of darkness from the basement made his mind quickly not even think about going there at this hour. Right, when he turned his gaze back to the bed, the main door of the cabin opened and a panting raven haired entered there.


Hearing his voice, Jungkook marched towards him and hugged him gently before getting him to the bed.

"What happened?!" Jungkook bit his lip and reached for the torch that he forgot to turn off.

"I- I heard someone screaming near, a boy, maybe." Taehyung frowned when he noticed the sweaty face and disheveled look of the older. Bringing his hand up, he softly brushed back the long strands to see a gash on his forehead.

"Hyung, you're hurt." Jungkook smiled at the concern but shook his head, taking his hand instead to peck softly.

"I fell while running away from ghouls." Taehyung's eyes widened at the possible scenarios.

"Don't worry, nothing bad happened to me," Jungkook hummed but there was a sad look in his eyes as he again pecked his hand. "But, I couldn't save the boy."

Hearing the news of another death made the younger sigh in frustration. It's been just a few weeks and he was already losing his mind over those never-ending murders.

"I wish, I could find some solution for this all." Jungkook's tired and raspy voice made him look back at the other who fell back on the mattress.

"Will I be selfish if I say, I just want to save our lives first?" Taehyung mumbled, noticing the look on Jungkook's face changing quickly.

"No, you won't be, love." Nodding to the response, he made himself lay back on the mattress and curl on as much as his injured body allowed. It didn't take long when the other joined him quickly and wrapped him in his embrace very gently.

"We will live a free life, soon." Taehyung smiled and snuggled back on the other's chest before feeling the same need to keep himself near the older. Inhaling deeply, he mumbled out.

"We will."

In the next few days, nothing much happened except for the recovery of the silver-haired. He wasn't able to walk freely or move his hand because of the slow recovery of broken bones but at least, he started talking normally and his neck wasn't stiff anymore.

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