First Day Of Classes

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-In a carriage-
Nagisa' pov

"HAYA!!" I heard Grandpa shout with glee outside the carriage

"Grandpa, really went all out buying this thing, right? Hehehe" I said as I felt a sweat drop

"Nagisa-sama is Sullivan-sama's first and only grandchild. This much isn't too much in Sullivan-sama's standard. I think he would give you something more extravagant if you asked him." Opera said as I felt my jaw getting heavy, leaving my mouth wide open

"Nagisa-kun, how do you like the ride?" I heard Grandpa say in a sing song voice

I shook my head and couldn't help but smile wholeheartedly and said "I love it. Grandpa really is the best!"

"KUUUUUU!!! NAGISA-KUN LOVES IT!" I heard Grandpa shout in glee and his whip crackling as the carriage went faster

In no time we arrived at the school, As I was about to go grab the knob

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my head and saw Opera shaking his head and making me sit back down

"Please wait for a moment Nagisa-sama." Opera said as I was left in confusion

Not long after, the door opened

I grabbed my bag and went outside to see giant lights aiming at me

While flashes can be seen and heard left and right

"MAKE WAY FOR NAGISA-SAMA'S FIRST DAY OF CLASSES!" I heard Opera shouted as the light turned off and the flashing stopped

I blinked my eyes then looked around I saw giant studio lights and a lot of photographers and a red carpet

"What's happening?!" I asked, shocked at the scene

"Oh, just you're grandpa wanting to immortalize this moment and so he did." Grandpa said as he got the photos from the photographers

"How much did this cost?" I asked, scared of how much his spent

"Don't worry about that." He said as he fished something out of his pockets

"Open your hands." He said

"Like this?" then He put a phone on my hands but it looks weird

"I got you a phone! I also got my first smartphone. Although I still don't know all the functions of it, call or text me anytime kay, Nagisa-kun!" Grandpa said with a smile while I looked at my new phone

"Thanks Grandpa!" I said hugging him


We stayed like that for a while then "Okay, that's enough, you still have a lot of work to do Sullivan-sama."


"Have a wonderful day Nagisa-sama."


I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Opera dragging Grandpa away as I waved them goodbye

Then Azz and Clara came talking about my entrance to the school as we walked to our homeroom
-Underground Abnormal Classroom-
3rd person pov

As we see our lovable assassin sitting next to his friends while the rest were talking amongst each other

The door suddenly flung open, as Kalego-sensei said "SILENCE..."

As he walked to the middle of the class, his heavy footsteps was the only thing heard

He opened his book and did roll call

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