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Walter Park
Nagisa's pov

"Remember what I told you Nagisa-boy. Be creative. And you better do it fast!" Alikred exclaimed looking at the fused beast in front of us

I took a deep breath and felt my hands get heavy. I looked at it and saw it was rubble "Alright, Nagi-boy. Use this and chant Quartz Quartz." Alikred said with haste

I looked at the beast getting ready to throw a hyper beam at me. I took a deep breath and shouted "QUARTZ QUARTZ!"

The rumble quickly turned into a 50 cal. I heard Alikred shout out "NAGI-BOY! DODGE!" I looked at the beast about to unleash its attack. I was having a hard time moving with it

"NAGISA!!!!" I heard people shout. I only looked at what was in front of me... My death

I steeled my nerves and quickly aimed at the beast. "Ali! Put it all on this spell!" I exclaimed

"You got it Nagisa-boy!" Alikred exclaimed

I aimed at its mouth and started to chant "PANDAROLLA!"

As I was about to take the shot, I heard "NAGISA!!!!!" then BOOM!!! Smoke was eveywhere

I started to cough from it all. I was waving the dust in front of me until I felt I was lifted up. I looked to see who it was and saw it was an enraged Henri Azazel

"Henri-san?" I exclaimed looking baffled at the man suddenly appearing

"TOU-SAMA?!" Ameri shouted

"What are you doing with my daughter, you sack of shit!?!" Henri said holding back his anger

"TOU-SAMA!!!!" Ameri came in grabbing her father then dragging him away

I took this chance and aimed at the beast trying to get up and shouted "PANDAROLLA!" pulling the trigger

The bullet quickly turned into a dragon, roaring loudly at the beast then hit it dead on. Killing it in one shot "Kill... Complete..." I said dropping down to the ground from over use of mana
Later, at the hotel

We were celebrating our victory with a feast thanks to Ronove's dad

It seems like all the teams won and lost. Giving a reason for Kalego-sensei to give us double the assignments

"What a minute! You said we won and lost. We still get a prize!" I exclaimed, with my classmates  agreeing with me

"His right! His right!" They said

"We want our prize to be less assignments!" I shouted getting the support of the others

"Hmm... Tsk. How about I won't double the assignment?" Kalego-sensei bargained

"Nagisa-kun, you have pictures of eggie-sensei?" asked Jazz, to which I nodded

"Then how about we sell those pictures around school if sensei don't agree to our terms or delete them if he agrees." Jazz proposed to which we agreed

We looked at our sensei for his answer "Well sensei? What's it gonna be?" Shanx asked

"... What are the terms?" He asked

We looked at Allocer since he was the smartest out of us all "We don't have to do the assignments but we still get the grades for it."

"You don't get double the assignment but you still have to do the ones I have given you." Kalego said

"We sell the pictures then." Allocer said

"Look, sensei! We have a picture of you in pajamas and in a maid costume." Jazz said

"WAIT...! Fine... I agree on your terms." Kalego said

Kerori went up to him and showed him a contract and said "Please stamp here."

"What is this?" He asked

"A contract. So you won't go back on your word." Kerori said

"It says, no takesies backsies. And it looked like a child made this with a crayon." Kalego said

"We shouldn't have let Clara make the contract. Why did we even do that, Nagisa-sama? Even someone who is a child could have done better." Azz said

"Hoy! That is a Clara master piece!" Clara said puffing up her chest

"Can I talk to my grandson." I looked over and saw Grandpa smiling with Opera and Henri standing behind him

I was pulled away to a private room and was aked by Grandpa "Do you know of a human with red hair and named Kama?"

I looked at him confused and said "I have a friend with red hair, named Karma."

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