Reliving Memories

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Royal One Classroom
Nagisa's pov

"EHHH?!!!" All of us shouted out in shock

"Nagisa... Out of all the first year students, you were the one who improved the most... Raising your rank to that of a daleth(4). Nagisa,  it is unheard of for a 1st year who started at aleph to obtain the rank of daleth during the middle of the year, so wear it with pride and show that you deserve this rank by continuing to grow." Kalego-sensei said as he changed my badge

We congratulated each other for our rank ups but most importantly we congratulated each other for passing the test and leaving no one behind

We celebrated our win and excitement for the apocalypse

"SILENCE!" Kalego-sensei shouted

"Uhm... Kalego-sensei?" I said then ran off with my bag as I shouted "I have somewhere to go, I'll see you all later."

"HEY! COME BACK HERE!" I heard him shout but I didn't stop and continued running

As I was running through the courtyard, I suddenly bumped into a wall making my butt and the ground kiss each other painfully

I looked up to see what I bumped into and saw Baram-sensei with a new haircut

He helped me up and I said "Baram-sensei, I was going to look for you."

I showed him my test scores and my new rank and said "Kalego-sensei said, I improved a lot and promoted me to daleth."

"That's amazing, Nagisa-kun!" He said with excitement in his voice as we both started to celebrate

"Here. As I promised." I said giving him my copy of the album Koro-sensei made

"What is this?" He asked as he took the heavy album from me

"It's an album containing my time in school in the human world." I said in a whisper and with a smile

He quickly got tensed and said in a whisper "Let's continue our talk in my office." to which I nodded


As we sat in Baram-sensei's office, he was busy looking at the album with delight while I was busy sipping some good tea

"This is amazing! So many humans! It looks like such a peaceful world." Baram-sensei said as he was flipping through the page after page until he stopped and asked "Nagisa-kun... Who is this yellow creature?" as he showed me a picture of all of class 3E and our unkillable teacher

"That's our teacher. Koro-sensei." I said

"Koro-sensei?" He said

"It's short for unkillable teacher." I said

"Where is he now?" He asked

"... Dead... I killed him, the same day of our graduation." I said

"Why did you kill him?" He asked, as he looked at me in shock

"We we're tasked to kill him. We we're even trained by professional assassins just to have a chance to kill him with Koro-sensei giving out tips here and there." I said with a smile

"So that's why you know how to kill. When you were close to killing me, it felt like an experienced professional was doing the work." He said

To which I sheepishly chuckeld and said "Sorry about that."

"Can you tell me about your time with class 3E?" Baram-sensei asked

I smiled and said "This is going to be one long story... And I still need to go back to class."

"I'll write you an excuse."

Sorry this was short, I have a lot of things to do. I hope you understand, stay safe and happy halloween

Welcome To Demon School! Nagisa-kunNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ