Baram's Class

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Baram's class
Nagisa's pov

As we were seated and tied up by Baram-sensei's vines, Baram-sensei started his lecture about the history of the netherworld all the while being distureb by Clara but he didn't pay it any mind and just grabbed her then started petting her

I was then lifted up by the vine that tied me up and was carried near Baram-sensei where he started petting my head all the while reading a book about fantastical animals

I was then lifted up again, and I saw Azz-kun getting carried by the vines towards Baram-sensei while I was placed back on my seat while Azz-kun was being petted by Baram-sensei on the head with Clara joining in on the fun

"Uhm...?" I tried to talk only for Baram-sensei to enthusiastically ask "You're asking what does fantastical animals eat?"

The look on his face made the other students shiver but all I saw was a very passionate teacher, happily teaching a subject he loves but to be honest, he really needs to work on not being creepy

Baram-sensei started his discussion about what fantastical animals eat, even giving a good drawing to give an idea what he was discussion

The vines brought back a disheveled Asmodeus

"Hey, Azz-kun. So the reason all the students ran away is..." I said with a sweat drop and a "hehehe" smile

"Yes... Baram-sensei's skinship. As he is the teacher-in-charge of Fantastical Studies, he has the urge to touch every living being he sees, so classes don't go well." Azz explained

Then some random demons who were seated next to me, started to whisper to me about some rumors about Baram-sensei which I listened to with a grain of salt

After telling me the rumors, they started to shiver including Azz but all I thought was those rumors were all in their imagination

"How do you know that he actually does all those things?" I asked


"It's what the others say!"

"And do those others know that he actually do all those things?" I asked again

"Yes! One of them said that he got kidnapped and was experimented on."

"And did he have anything different about him? Like growing a third eye or losing a limb." I asked

"Well... No but-"

"Let's say Baram-sensei actually did all those things. Would he really let them go after experimenting on them?" I ask

"Well... No..."

I sighed and before I got to say anything, we heard Baram-sensei say "Well then! Today, let's talk about humans." then a doll with "Human-kun" written on it was lowered from the ceiling by the vines

"If a human were to appear in front of you, what will you do?" Baram-sensei asked

The other students quickly answered the same, basically going to eat the human if they were to see one. Some were asking if humans actually tasted good

I just put on a poker face, to avoid suspicion. Even though I'm a demon, I'm still half of it and half human as well

Baram-sensei started explaining why humans are a delicacy to demons then one student asked Baram-sensei, what will he do if he ever meet a human

"Me?" He said then turns towards to the doll and just stared at it without saying anything making every students except for me look at him in fear of what he was planning... Well, based from what I observed

I just looked at sensei, with curiosoty about what he was going to answer but still it felt a little bit akward

Some of the students started letting their imagination roam since they're thinking about what Baram-sensei was thinking of

Baram-sensei started to talk "Well, if I meet a human... I want to ask how they can survive. These fantastical animals are ancient or rather,"

He started to draw examples  "if they can survive in this form, it must be because of the peaceful environment. However, the ecosystem in the netherworld is vicious. That's why us demons gain wings and tails as we evolve." He then started walking towards me as he said "In the fight for survival, wings are particularly important."

He then started to rub my back and said "Even if you don't have horns, you can run away as long as... You... have... wings...?"

He continued to rub my back to feel anything "Huh??"

Then he towered over me and our eyes met and he looked like he was about to do something to me... Making me grab my knife from my jacket and started quickly cutting through the vines

I didn't look away as he stared at me, I managed to get out of the vines' grip and made my escape all the while hiding my knife in my sleeves. Only for Baram-sensei to easily grab me and threw me on his shoulder then ran off out the classroom

I heard Azz and Clara shout out my name and something after that but I couldn't hear it properly since Baram-sensei was running too fast

Next thing I knew, Baram-sensei opened the doors of the teacher's faculty room asking for someone

Then a lot of teachers started to appear, some who stopped doing some paper work and wanted to see what all the commotion was all about, some came to the faculty room after leaving their class after hearing about a commotion going on

'News spreads fast!' I thought to myself

"What's wrong, Baram-sensei!?" Robin-sensei asked

"This is bad! This kid doesn't have wings!" Baram-sensei exclaimed which made my eyes widen

Robin-sensei and the other teachers started rubbing my back and to their shock, Baram-sensei was right. They couldn't feel any wing roots on my back. They asked me to take off my shirt and show them my back to confirm if it was really true

This put me in a panic and I subconsciously did something


I remembered something, Grandpa gave me a bunch of knives and said to me with a smile "If you're in any trouble use these. I take it you know how to use them."

-End of flashback-

I quickly drew the knife from my sleeve and was about to stab Baram-sensei in the neck

Only for Kalego-sensei to save Baram-sensei from losing his vocal cords in just the nick of time

Which shocked the other teachers, that a student was close to killing a teacher and they didn't even notice it, only after Kalego-sensei stopped me

"Calm down, Nagisa."


It seems, my exams were actually next week. I was actually early... Here's an update. Hope you all have a wonderful day, stay safe and thanks for all the support. Bye

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