Chapter 16 - Flight Talk's

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(Lopi POV)

I wake up to something poking my side. I look up and see Melora poking my side.

"What are you doing?" I said surprised.

"Waking you up obviously."

"What time is it?"

"5am come on now wake up."

"5am!? Wait till 7 or something I am still tired."

"Nope. I guess we will just leave you behind then."

"Fine. I'll get up."

I get up annoyed. Why are we getting up so early? I barely slept last night from the freezing cold. The sun was not even up yet and I could barely see out of the cave.

"Lopi, how about you get breakfest." Melora said to me.

"But, I did dinner yesterday?

"Please just do it. I'll do the next."

"Sure, whatever."

I climb out of the cave and go outside. I can barely see anything. I try to find the river from the night before. After minutes or searching I finally found it. Now the bigger problem is that I can't see the fish in the river.

I guess I have to just take a wild guess. After 15 minutes I caught 5 fish. Good enough.

I transport them back to the cave and placed them down.

"What took you so long it's been half an hour!" Melora said to me.

"Melora, if you used your eyes you can obviously see that it was still pitch black when I went out. Now at least the sun is some what up. Plus your lucky I even caught 5 fish." I said to her annoyed.

She just stared at me and grabbed a fish and started eating it. She gets on my nerves so much. I need to deal with this for at least another 21 days! This is going to be hell.

After we finish eating I hear Melora say "Alright let's get going." It was only 6AM is was still super early but I guess I'll listen before she starts yapping about something else about me.

We leave the cave and into the sunrise. At least it was not too cold right now. We continue are journey to Furia. I wish I had something to entertain myself all day. I mean arguing non sense with Melora gives me some nice entertainment.

I see Melora pull something out of a small bag she brought and it was a book?

She simply opened it and started reading. I was wondering why she brought that bag. But why does it just have books.

"Why did you bring a whole bunch of books with you?" I ask her.

I see her lift her head up and sigh. I don't think she is in the mood to talk to me.

"So I can learn things. Basically like school." She says while looking back at the book.

"What even is the point of learning math. It's a dumb subject."

"I think your just dumb. Math can be used for a lot of things. Jobs for example." She says.

"Now I am trying to focus here. Mind if you shut up for a little while. Thank you." I just sigh and focus my attention to flying.

I just kept quiet like she said. How did we get along when we were at Berk? I think we hate each other now but I really don't care. The only noise was just Orla and Eldora whispering to each other. It was barely hearable.

We were flying for several hours. Most of it was complete silence. I spot a small island and say "It's almost mid day maybe we should stop to get something to eat and rest out wings." I say to them.

"I differ. We should continue and save we can get there faster. Beside I don't feel tired at all." Melora said.

I roll my eyes.

I was tired and hungry. Seems like she only cares about herself.

We continued until night fall and Melora finally closed that stupid math book. She has been reading that for hours now.

"So what did you learn. No way you can remember anything if you were reading multiple topics in the span of hours.

"I learned quite a bit actually. But, I mostly know most of this. Just wanted a refresher."

The sun was setting and I was ready to find an island and rest and eat.

"Okay, let's find an island. Lopi how about you do it since you seem so tired like you said. I just looked at her in annoyance.

"What did I even say to you today? Maybe 3 sentences at most?"

"That was 3 to many." She says with a giggle.

"That really was not that funny."

"To me it was."

I still was trying to find an island and couldn't find one. "I can't find an island what do we do?"

"We continue. Simple."

"You are not tired yet? We have been flying nonstop for 16 hours!"

"Well, I trained myself to fly for long periods of time. Plus, why didn't you learn how to fly before we met?"

"Well, I was stupid and never figured it out when I did go to school."

"What were your grades?"

Do I really want to say them. She definitely going to make fun of me.

"My average was a D and my best ever was a B-."

"What was your best class?"


"You can't get a grade for that."

"No shit. I thought you were smart?"

"I don't take jokes sarcastically."

"I see that, how about you what was your average?"

"A+, lowest ever was a 94 out of 100."

How is that even possible.

"Okay, I get it your smart."

"Wow, thanks for noticing." Melora said with a laugh.

At least we aren't arguing as much as before.

"So what else are you going to compliment me on?"

"Nothing." I say.

"Really, I mean I am stronger and faster than you!"

"Definitely not faster. I can beat anyone in a race. I beat Toothless with ease."

"But, am I stronger than you?"


"Prove it too me."

"I don't feel like knocking you out right now."

"Wow, this is the nicest you ever been!"


Well I guess we have to fly threw the night. Great.

Chapter is done! More of just Lopi and Melora saying useless stuff. Have a good one.

Word count: 1054

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