Chapter 21 - Family Found

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(Melora's POV)

Something taps me on the shoulder and it says "Melora.... is it really you?" I turn around confused. Who can it possibly be to recognize me? I turn around and see a familiar face.

 "Nevena! It's you!" I say in excitement as I eagerly have her a hug. Nevena was my cousin or my best friend. 

We did everything together and had similar hobbies. We loved to be around each other. It made me happy.

 "I thought I was never going to see you again!" Nevena said to me.

 "Yeah, I am so glad too see you too." I say in response. 

She looked so much different from the last time we saw each other. She was the runt of her pack. But, now she is as big as me. Her bright yellow eyes were closer to gold like herself now.

 "Do you want to come over! The rest of my brothers and sisters would be ecstatic too see you! Do you know how long it's been! We have been waiting for you so long. You definitely need to tell us what happened." Nevena said in excitement. 

She was still the same eager and enthusiastic self. I always liked that from her.

 "I would love too, but I got a quick question to ask." I say to her.

 This is going to be one of the most important answers of my life. Hopefully it's a good one.

 "Go on."

 "Do you know where my parents are. Are they alive? Are they still here?" I said nervously. Nevena definitely could see I was panicking. "Don't worry Melora. They are fine! They are alive and live very close to us!" Nevena exclaimed. 

I sighed in absolute relief. I can't wait too see my parents again. I know they are here and that makes it exciting. "Let's go to my den then we can go to your parents okay?" Nevena said to me. "I am all in. Let's go." Nevena took me to her den. It was very big. She had 6 brothers and 5 sisters so I get why the den is enormous. 

Nevena opens the door to the den and she walks in. I was nervous. How are they all going to react. Nevena and her family were very close to me. We knew everything about each other and always hanged out with each other.

 "Don't be nervous. Come on. They will be excited." Nevena said to me softly.

 "I think they will excited to see Orla and Eldora too." She added.

 I completely forgot I had my sisters with me. I look to see them behind me. I need to look out more, I can lose them any second. Good thing they are well behaved. I enter inside the den to be met with 13 faces looking right at me.

 "Melora! Your back?!" One of Nevena's sisters exclaimed.

 Everyone turned their attention to me. "It's really her!" Another said. Everyone got up from what they were doing to come give me a hug. They were excited too see me just like Nevena said. Nevena's parents also came to me and said "Melora.. I never thought you will come back! Welcome!" They both said while giving me a hug.

 "You have to have many stories to tell us." They also said. "I have many. Many too even count." I said to them. "She can tell them at a later time. Melora let's go see your parents, I think that is what you want right now." Nevena said. I nod and say "I'll catch up with you guys soon. See you soon." "Bye!" They all said. We walk out of the den. It is time to finally meet my parents for the first time in years. I followed Nevena and she took me to a house.


These houses are for the rich. My family was no where close to that. "Are you sure they live here. This is a house for the semi rich. My family isn't rich at all." I say to Nevena. "Trust me. This is the place. I have been here many times. Now come on your parents are in for a big surprise." Nevena and I went up to the door. Nevena rang the door bell and we waited. My anxiety was though the roof. I was so nervous but so excited at the same time. There were a lot of mixed emotions. It felt like forever then someone creaked the door open. Nevena stepped back to let me, Orla and Eldora to have are moment. I see a gold fury with pink eyes emerge from the house. "Wait....Melora!?" I jump up and give my mother a huge hug. 

I never thought this day would come ever. I am finally back. I started crying tears of joy. I never cried in years. But this moment was a good one to break the streak. "I never thought you will never come back..." My mother said while crying as well. 

It was Orla and Eldora's turn they both gave mom a big hug. They started crying too. I was as happy as I can be! "Come on in. Your father would be amazed to see you! He is currently asleep but it would be worth it when I wake him up for him to see you guys." Mother went upstairs to go wake up dad.

 I just sat and wait. 

I hear them coming down the stairs. I see my father turn to where I was and see his face absolutely light up. We rushed to each other and hugged.

 "My daughter.... your back." He said to me. 

I didn't know what too say. I was just so happy. Dad rushes to Orla and Eldora and gave them a hug. "You've got to tell us what happened!" My mother said to me. 

I notice one of her wings bandaged up. Why's that. "I'd love to but I have a few questions for you guys first. It's been so long!" "Go ahead we will answer anything for you sweetheart." "Mom, why do you have your wing bandaged like that. That was never there before." I say. 

"I was beaten up pretty bad during the war. They cut my wing pretty bad and now I can't use it for the next few years." She said to me. "I have a question for you. How did you find Furia again?" Mother asked me. "Well it started when I met this........

Chapter is done! Melora was able to find her family and she is super happy! Now can Lopi find his?

Word count: 1103

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